The Divide Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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The Divide

The grasslands region largely separating the east and west cultures in the north of Riela.  This region is dominated by nomadic tribes.  Each tribe having it's own unique culture with different values.  Often fighting among themselves, the tribes rarely have to fight outsiders as the land is resource poor and the kingdoms surrounding it are pleased to leave them alone as long as they are left along in turn and trade isn't disrupted.  The south end being on The Long Road means that trade passes through The Divide regularly and the tribes will commonly stop to trade with the caravans passing through.

Demography and Population

Population:  200,000

Agriculture & Industry

The soil being relatively poor means that most crops don't take well for long in the region.  This has led to the tribes being nomadic, following the herds of bison and caribou in the area.   Wild berries and some vegetables grow in the southern areas of The Divide.

Trade & Transport

Meat and furs are traded to the traveling traders on The Long Road in the southern region.
Political, independent

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