Winter Wastes Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Winter Wastes

The deadly region of the Winter Wastes is entirely devoid of sustenance and is eternally cold, with temperatures below freezing even in the "summer" months. Winter wights, remorhaz and white dragons infest the regions.    Fortress of Terror: The enigmatic fortress is reportedly from the 2nd Age, however nobody knows who exactly constructed it or who currently occupies it, as nobody has ever returned from an expedition to it.   Khazreck Mountains: The mountain range to the farthest north of the Freerange in the winter wastes is the Khazreck mountains. Meaning "Crown of the World" in Dwarven, it is reportedly a holy site for the Dwarves of the Northwind Mountains as it is said the fathers of the dwarves first awoke in the Khazreck Mountains.
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