The Freerange Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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The Freerange

A northern land ruled by independent tribes of largely semi-nomadic Ysgallic peoples. A hard land that makes even harder people, the goblinoids of the Beastlands have learned to leave the men of The Freerange alone and the dwarves of the Northwind Mountains interact with the tribes once per year at the annual Fallmeet.   Gannet Mountains: The mountain range in the northern edge of the Freerange, home to many denizens and monstrous creatures that prey upon any unwary travellers.  The mountain range is also a region where young men from the tribes often travel to with the intent of proving their strength; some of these aspiring heroes even return, bearing great trophies and ancient treasures.   Darkwoods: The forest in the southern Freerange is also known as the woods of terror by some. Home to some of the most horrifying creatures, it is rare for individuals or small bands to enter and ever return. Lycanthropes, skinwalkers, wendigos and many other malevolent forces call the Darkwoods home. Even giants and orcs refuse to enter the woods for any reason. However it is not uncommon for traders on their way to the Fallmeet to get lost and enter the woods to become victims of the terrors within. Even the staunch and courageous tribesmen of the Freerange only enter in bands of fifty or more warriors (and they sometimes still don't return).   Fallmeet: During the majority of the year the location of the Fallmeet is little more than a great mead hall, with a couple outlying structures to shelter animals and firewood.  Only the tribal elders and a small host of servants to tend to them (and learn from them, becoming the tribal scribes in time) reside here during the year.  During mid-autumn however, the area becomes host to a vast sea of tents as the tribes come together for trade.  This also attracts merchants from far and wide who wish to trade.  This is also a time of revelry as marriages are conducted and stories are exchanged.  With the killing of people outlawed during this time, the tribes set aside squabbles and grudges to allow peaceful trade and merriment.   Old Pier: The old pier was once a massive ship-building and mooring complex, where raiders would set off to plunder the coasts of the Westlands, taking advantage of the weakening authority of the Western Arkenian Emperor (and the empire's eventual dissolution).  Today it is smaller in scale than the harbours of even small cities.  It is however well maintained and staffed by the Ashcanni tribe who charge taxes for incoming traders to use the docks (for this reason some traders attempt the land route past the Darkwoods).


Seen as mindless and barbaric raiders by most other realm in Riela; they would be right when placed in feudal society. However in return the Freerangers often see other cultures as weak and without honour. Mistakes are often made however when thinking knowing one tribe or clan means they understand them all. Each tribe has it's own internal culture with customs, practices and morals that differ from each of the others, often in a radical fashion.   However they are all proud warriors and and skilled hunters/survivalists, wearing wool, heavy hides and furs to survive in the unforgiving climate. Every child is taught how to forage for food and hunt, becoming well versed in traps, tracking and survival. Alliances between tribes are formed and dissolved every year as following the herds of game inevitably causes competition for hunting grounds among the tribes.   Some of the southern tribes have begun moving away from the nomadic lifestyle of the far northern tribes as the lands they are on support some of the hardier domestic animals and crops with sheep being penned and potatoes or grain being planted in areas. These men have also started trading with the cities on Raider's Bay, despite the cities' hesitations due to the maritime history of the Freerangers raiding and pillaging, this has become quite profitable for all involved, even exchanging some cultural aspects over the decades.   Each of the tribes come together in September at the Fallmeet, The Freerange's only permanent "settlement" in the region. The Fallmeet is really a great longhouse and a couple small structures where the tribes meet every autumn to trade with eachother and with any merchants who brave the journey north. It is considered the neutral ground of the elders and it is forbidden to spill blood at this location.   Every couple centuries several tribes will band together and travel south, building ships and using them to raid the coastal towns and cities of The Westland. In previous centuries these raids were the bane of the coastal Westlands, with the northern bay being called Raiders Bay as it would always be the first target in a series of raids.


4240 - 4260: In the decades surrounding the fall of Galiniad, a great exodus began with many braving the pass into Lankor to become citizens of the petty kingdom. Tens of thousands however, migrated west; all in an effort to escape the plague and later the mounting goblinoid raids. Eventually reaching the Freerange, the displaced peoples foraged and hunted to survive. With little in the way of resources, the people of Galiniad adopted a semi-nomadic lifestyle.   4344:  The first raid on the North Bay is enacted on Dewmere, starting a centuries long era of raids on the coasts of the Westlands that eventually see the bay named Raiders Bay and eventually led to the destruction of the nearest cities of Dewmere and Chillshore.

Demography and Population

Population: 130,000

Trade & Transport

With the annual Fallmeet being the center of all trade in the Freerange, food, skins, furs and other goods are exchanged.  The dwarves of the Northwind Mountains arrive to sell steel, lumber and ale in exchange for the vast quantities of skins and furs.
Political, independent
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations

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