Dawnstorm Reconquest of the East
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Reconquest of the East

Military action


After the Ammattar Sultanate's armies are driven back at the Battle of Kallasil, the remaining free lands of the east counterattack with a combined force, beginning a decades long process of liberating the conquered lands. The long campaign has independent principalities established by crusaders on The Bloodcoast, the Kingdom of Imantril founded as a vassal kingdom to the much smaller and weaker Allmoor. The reconquest culminates in all of the lands being reconquered and the Ammattar Sultanate fracturing into smaller sultanates within the desert at the Treaty of Al-Satha.

4219: Treaty of Kallasil. Immediately following the BAttle of Kallasil, House Ecritil, Isperia and Kor A'Dros enter into an alliance to break the clear threat against them that the Ammattar Sultanate posed. The kingdoms marshall their armies and crusaders arrive from every corner of Riela as a vast army is assembled in The Moorish March.   4220: Siege of Oranbar. An on and off siege of Oranbar begins, allowing freedom of movement for the coalition armies as the crusaders spearhead the campaign into the East Coast.   4222 - 4227: Liberation of the East Coast. Combined national and crusader forces liberate the Bloodcoast from the Ammattar Sultanate in a series of bloody battles and sieges. The Cities are taken by driven crusader barons who install themselves as the princes of autonomous cities, creating the four principalities. The series of costly battles led to the region being renamed The Bloodcoast by the residents (the Western vernacular of the crusader princes ended up sticking for the names of places they had renamed and became relatively common even among some of the citizens).   4227: Battle of Coleste. A massive Ammattar Sultanate army ambushes the coalition rear guard at the Eastway pass after the liberation of the Bloodcoast. Crown Prince Durallon of House Ecritil fights a bloody last stand after the army's movements were given to the sultanate by a traitor. The heroic last stand of Prince Durallon bought time for the main army to counterattack and destroy the sultan's army in the climactic battle in the campaign against the Ammattar Sultanate. (See full account)   4228 - 4241: The Great Plague. All offensive operations halt as The Great Plague sweeps through the land, killing millions. Even after the plague moves on from the east, years of reconstitution are required for the people and armies on both sides.   4247 - 4252: Liberation of Northern Allmoor and the Founding of Imantril. Prince Isenbard, cousin to Alexander III (the heir in exile of Allmoor) leads a large army into Allmooran lands occupied by the Ammattar Sultanate. The Sultanate still devastated from the plague and their defeat at Coleste could largely only field inexperienced levies and commanders to defend their holdings in northern Allmoor. Culminating in seizing the vital city of Ostegarde, causing celebration across much of the world as the great city is returned from Ammattan hands. The devastation resulting from the bloody assault on the city takes over a century to repair and recover from. By right of reconquest and royal blood Isenbard declares himself king of Imantril, comprising much of the land of historical Allmoor. Not wishing to begin warring among themselves in the face of the still formidable Ammattar Sultanate, House Ecritil and Kor A'Dros pressured Isenbard to swear fealty to his cousin and be a vassal state upon the reclamation of the rest of Allmoor.   4257: Liberation of Allmoor. A crusader army led by Crown Prince Alexander III enters southern Allmoor from The Bloodcoast and seizes Mittermark in a swift assault. Proclaiming Mittermark as the new capital of Allmoor Alexander III proclaims himself the king of Allmoor. The Ammattan army is caught out of position as they expected an invading force to come from Ostegarde. His first act as king was to send a rider to his now vassal kingdom of Imantril to raise their army in support. The army swiftly sweeps across southern Allmoor until meeting the large Ammattan army in the fields outside Almelitz. At the climactic battle of Almelitz the Isenbard reaffirms his oath of fealty under pressure from the international coalition and sends a large army to assist the smaller Allmooran army.   4258: The western regions of the Ammattar Sultanate separate in a bloody uprising, uniting the realms previously within the region under the banner of the Tharan Empire.   4266 - 4268: A hard fought campaign led by Allmoor liberates eastern Solmarch from the sultanate. During the campaign an Ammattan army marches out of the desert and seizes Marikantz, however is ambushed on the road south by a dwarven army from Granitehold. The Ammattan relief force is routed by the dwarves and driven back to Marikantz where an Imantran army assaulted the city and killed every member of the Ammattan force within the walls.   4269: The Allmooran army bolstered by the newly liberated Solmarch marches into the desert to attack the sultanate's territories directly. This ill fated expedition suffers a defeat as the heavily armed and armoured army poorly adapts to the desert environment. The entire army of 13,000 men die of thirst in the desert as the fast riding men of the desert cut their supply lines and poison water sources ahead of their advance. Only 6 men make it back to report the disaster, however the Ammattar Sultanate lacked the numbers or political will to press their advantage after losing almost their entire army at Marikantz the year before.   4271: A new army led by King Isenbard of Imantril enters the desert. Having studied and learned from the disaster of the previous expedition the army faces success and brings the sultanate's forces to a decisive battle, destroying the sultanate's army, but taking severe casualties in the process. Pressing forward despite having a tiny army has the sultanate collapse and fracture. The sultanate is formally dissolved under the Treaty of Al-Satha (AKA tThe Treaty of Greenhaven Oasis), signed under the auspices of King Isenbard (earning him significant political support, solidifying his tenuous claims to an independent kingdom).

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