Dawnstorm World History Timeline Timeline
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World History Timeline

An overview of the history of Riela and marking the major events.

Years of Creation

10000 1

The years of the material plane's creation and the first mortals are conceived of by the immortals.

  • -7000 YC

    -5 YC

    The Deity War
    Religious event

    In conflict over how they envisioned the world and the races, the gods battle eachother over Riela causing catastrophic damage to the shape of the land; sinking many parts beneath the sea and raising up other parts.

  • -1 YC

    Treaty of Inevitability
    Diplomatic action

    The deities agree to sign a treaty allowing the awakening of the races in Riela and forbidding any direct intervention by them or their servants.  This also details that the power of a deity will be heavily influenced by the influences of Riela and the direct worship of the mortals.  The treaty exists to this day; even the most chaotic and destructive gods abide by it, unwilling to allow the mortal plane and the source of their power to be destroyed.

1st Dawn

1 999

The beginning of time and the awakening of the races in Riela

  • 867 1D

    1000 1D

    The Dragonrift
    Religious event

    The dragons that dominated Riela split ideologically as the lesser races invent the wheel, showing signs of sentience. The Chromatics continue to prey upon the mortals and the Metallics look to uplift the mortals by sharing knowledge and technology. Two dragons, Condrassa and Micomis stand out above the others to lead their factions. As the mortals are rapidly propelled forward in technology war breaks out between the factions. In the year 1,000 the leading dragons ascend to godhood and the dragons, motivated with a religious fury nearly annihilate eachother in a great battle.

2nd Dawn

1000 1999

The beginning of recorded events, often dismissed now as legends and stories.

  • 1000 2D

    1288 2D

    Reign of the Horsemen

    The power vacuum of the Dragonrift is filled as vampires and werewolves rise, commanded by four mysterious fell beings who call themselves "The Horsemen" who cover the lands in a darkness. The first goblinoids are seen in Riela as the Horsemen impose their will on al the free lands of Riela. For nearly 300 years, they would terrorize the land with the free peoples hidden in forests and underground cities. The arrival of Damodross who in seeking the heart of a young elf maiden, would cast down the Horsemens' reign and imprison them in The Black Tombs, sacrificing himself in the process.

  • 1235 2D

    1288 2D

    Quest of Damodross

    Damodross prevents the subjugation of mankind in a long quest, beginning with the slaying of the first vampire Galitrax in an effort to win the heart of Elandriel, a fair elf maid who's father Eringeil would only grant him the hand of his daughter if he broke the vampire's tyranny over them. His adventures culminated in sealing away a great evil deep in the Black Tombs, tragically sacrificing himself in the process of imprisoning them. The sealing away of the evil allowed the rise of the human and elven realms in Riela. His statue still stands over his tomb in the Blessedwood today, overgrown and forgotten.

  • 1866 2D

    Ironworking is Discovered
    Technological achievement

    The dwarven smith and innovator, Tuvec Hardbrow discovers iron and is executed for it.  The dwarven hold of Hardgate is destroyed in divine wrath and it's people become the first duergar.

3rd Dawn

2000 3499

Beginning of chronicled history with the rise and fall of the Great Arkenian Empire

  • 2000 3D

    Rise of the Arkenian Empire

    The city state of Arken annexes it's neighbouring city states and seizes control of the western reach of the Tradesea, laying the foundations for the great empire that would come to dominate central Riela for the rest of the era.

  • 2330 3D

    Relocation of the Arkenian Capitol
    Cultural event

    The Arkenian Empire relocates it's capitol to Kross as it becomes the empire's dominant trading and cultural hub.

  • 3367 3D

    3501 3D

    The Fall of The Arkenian Empire
    Disaster / Destruction

    After a protracted period of cultural, military and economic decline, a series of violent wars of independence wrack the empire, destroying it completely as capitol and birthplace of the empire are both sacked.

  • 3394 3D

    Eruption of Mount Sören
    Disaster / Destruction

    A massive volcanic eruption destroys the city of Runeslan and renders hundreds of square miles into uninhabitable wasteland. The ash spewed into the atmosphere darkens the world for a year, causing mass crop failures leading to starvation and disease across Riela. The disaster exacerbating the crisis the Arkenian Empire was already experiencing.

4th Dawn

3500 4999

Most recent history with the rise and fall of several nations.

  • 3500 4D

    4 /6
    3500 4D

    5 /10

    Founding of the Western Arkenian Empire

    In the collapse of the Arkenian Empire, the Western Reach remained relatively prosperous and strong.  Able to keep a grip on authority the capital was located in Halfmeet.  Over time it became known as simply the Occiden Empire, or "West Empire" in High Common.

  • 3545 4D

    3548 4D

    Founding of Ammattar Sultanate

    The tribes and city states of the North Emanar Desert unify under the banner of Sultan Mechamed I. United in a fanatical devotion to Mathylwrack who they see as the protector of the planes from the hordes of the Abyss. Any tribes who refuse to join are labelled apostates and are subjected to genocide and slavery.

  • 3577 4D

    4219 4D

    Conquests of the Ammattar Sultanate
    Military action

    Shortly after the founding of the Sultanate, the realm violently expands in a bloody religious war. Forcibly subjugating and converting the conquered lands to worship of Mathylwrack (killing and enslaving all who resist). Conquering an empire from the Calleon River to just south of Kallasil, the defeat at Battle of Kallasil, the calls for crusade from the Patriarch and internal unrest saw the end of the Sultanate's expansion and the beginning of it's collapse.

  • 3770 4D

    3 /8

    Founding of Acrintine

    After a period of hardship in the Arkenian heartland, Engarne took the position of Sovereign of the city state of Khorheart. Engarne reformed much of the state's systems of governance, economy and law. These reforms brought great prosperity to the realm. Within a decade Khorheart had expanded to absorb much of the surrounding region. Eventually taking Arkenport, the historic capital of the Arkenian Empire, the realm was named Acrintine and Engarne was crowned it's first king.

  • 4122 4D

    4130 4D

    Fall of Ostegarde
    Military action

    The Ammattar Sultanate seizes the Great City of Ostegard and the critical crossroads after a staggering 8 year siege. The fall of the great city opens up the northeast to conquest by the religiously fanatic empire. This is commonly seen in culture and history as a low point in the wars against the Ammattar Sultanate's expansion.

  • 4219 4D

    Battle of Kallasil
    Military action

    The Ammattar Sultanate launches an invasion of the Datian-Kisorene Commonwealth (in modern House Ecritil). The Ammattan army burns it's way through the Moorish March and lays siege to the city of Kallasil. The Sultanate's army is decisively defeated by a combined Datian, Isperian and A'Drosian relief army arriving moments before the city's surrender, pushing the Sultanate's armies out of the region.  The victory over the Sultanate lifts international morale and begins the Reconquest of the East.

  • 4220 4D

    4271 4D

    Reconquest of the East
    Military action

    After the Ammattar Sultanate's armies are driven back at the Battle of Kallasil, the remaining free lands of the east counterattack with a combined force, beginning a decades long process of liberating the conquered lands. The long campaign has independent principalities established by crusaders on The Bloodcoast, the Kingdom of Imantril founded as a vassal kingdom to the much smaller and weaker Allmoor. The reconquest culminates in all of the lands being reconquered and the Ammattar Sultanate fracturing into smaller sultanates within the desert at the Treaty of Al-Satha.

  • 4227 4D

    13 /9

    Battle of Coleste
    Military action

    A massive Emalir Sultanate army ambushes the Ecritan rear guard at the Eastway pass after the liberation of the Bloodcoast. Crown Prince Durallon of House Ecritil fights a bloody last stand after the army's movements were given to the sultanate by a traitor. The heroic last stand of Prince Durallon bought time for the main army to counterattack and destroy the sultan's army in the climactic battle in the campaign against the Emalir Sultanate.

  • 4228 4D

    4241 4D

    The Great Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    The plague that kills almost a half of the humans in Riela sweeps across the land earning the name The Divine Scourge as all healing magics prove fruitless in curing the plague. The plague only ends when the population density has become so low that it cannot continue to transfer between people. The ruins of vacant villages stand in many lands as a testament to the destruction caused by the plague to this day.

  • 4235 4D

    4244 4D

    13 /2

    Fall of Galiniad
    Disaster / Destruction

    The great plague sweeps across Galiniad, depopulating the realm and leaving the survivours helpless against the goblinoids from the mountains. The goblinoids slowly overwhelmed the kingdom of Galiniad until eventually taking the capitol. The region being called the Beastlands going forward.

  • 4250 4D

    4377 4D

    Fall of Deephalls
    Military action

    Six years after the final fall of Galiniad, the great dwarven realm of Deephalls came under siege by the expanding goblinoid hordes. For 127 years the dwarven realm holds firm against the goblinoids' assaults on the great gates. In 4377 however, the end comes in the form of the orcish warlord Haragroth who leads a final massive assault on the hold, breaking the gates with the aid of fell magic and storming the dwarven city.   A great relief army from the Northwind Mountains marches forth however is blocked from aiding the hold by a massive force of orcs. This allows the dwarves of the hold to dig a rapid escape tunnel so that the bulk of the hold can escape. The 500 dwarven warriors at the gate fight a valiant last stand giving the mining teams the time to excavate the tunnel to friendly lines. "The Empty Halls" became a popular dwarven lament of the fall of the hold, so popular that Deephalls has become known as "The Empty Halls" through the centuries.

  • 4257 4D

    4258 4D

    Founding of the Tharan Empire

    The eastern regions of the Ammattar Sultanate seize a moment of weakness in the Sultanate to separate in a violent uprising.  The regions of Thar, Harwain, Oridea and Thilk band together to beat the army sent against them and form the Tharan Empire, harassing the sultanate from the western approach.

  • 4366 4D

    4620 4D

    Freerange Raiding
    Military action

    The dispossessed descendants of the men of Galiniad now living in the Freereange begin sailing out over the Hyrrwater and raiding the coastal settlements.  Within a matter of years their raids expand to the entire northwest coast of Riela.  The Hyrrwater becomes known as Raider's Bay in the centuries long terror as some settlements are destroyed entirely.  The raiding comes to end in the climactic Battle of Sheermount Meadows.

  • 4470 4D

    10 /3
    4480 4D

    10 /7

    Founding of Andaria

    The Gold Dragon, disguised as a human, Armior unifies the city states and petty kingdoms within the Shieldwall Mountains and is coronated as Andaria's first king.

  • 4485 4D

    4485 4D


    First Goblinoid Invasion
    Military action

    The first invasion of goblinoids from the lands that were Galiniad. Repelled at Ganalith by the Andarian army.  Due to the critical role Aren Swiftleaf played in the battle, the town is renamed Arengrove in tribute to him.

  • 4490 4D

    4492 4D

    6 /4

    Fall of the Tharan Empire

    The renowned adventurers The Falcons lead an uprising consisting of slaves and occupied people within the Tharan empire. After a short period ruling the empire, Aren Swiftleaf makes the proclamation of freedom for the lands outside of the Tharan heartland, restoring the kingdoms of Tralonce, Thilk, Arbios and Harwain and restoring Byrville to the now independent kingdom of Solmarch.

  • 4512 4D

    Second Goblinoid Invasion
    Military action

    The second goblinoid invasion is repelled at Arengrove again. The destruction wrought by the goblinoid invasions causes King Endrian to build Northwatch Keep at the northern pass where the goblinoids pass into Andaria.

  • 4520 4D

    2 /4

    Partition of Greater Acrintine
    Political event

    With the death of King Pollard the kingdom was divided between his three sons, with the eldest gaining the largest portion of the Acrintine homeland.  The younger children gaining the kingdoms of Entarga and Strathryld.

  • 4553 4D

    4566 4D


    The War of the Crowns
    Military action

    Charles Mourhammer, Duke of Acrana dies childless sparking a succession crisis as Duchess Lathriel (Princess of Andaria) swears fealty to Andaria. Andaria and Eldarheen go to war as King Handria, unwilling to lose the major port city backs Baron Houren Mourhammer's claim to Duke of Acrana. The Rosehold Treaty is signed between Eldarheen and Erenia. Acrana is taken by the Rosehold forces, however Houren Mourhammer and King Handria are captured. Houren Mourhammer is executed for his killing of Lathriel and King Handria is ransomed back to Eldarheen.

  • 4560 4D

    Dissolution of the Western Arkenian Empire
    Political event

    The dissolution of the Western Arkenian Empire by the last emperor after a centuries long period of decline and weakening of imperial authourity.

  • 4564 4D

    Formation of the Rosehold Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    During the War of the Crowns Erenia and Eldarhen sign the Rosehold treaty, forming the beginning of a military alliance specifically to counter Andaria.

    More reading
    Rosehold Treaty
  • 4596 4D

    4596 4D


    Third Goblinoid Invasion
    Military action

    the invasion is repelled on the great field north of the Shieldwalls due to intelligence brought back by hunters roaming north. The field is given the name Honourfield and the ranger Corps is erected to provide a reconnaissance force for the Andarian professional army.

  • 4655 4D

    4658 4D


    Fourth Goblinoid Invasion
    Military action

    The fourth goblinoid invasion sees Northwatch keep taken by an enormous force, however it holds long enough to have a relief army prevent the goblinoids from advancing further into the realm. The following spring, Northwatch Keep is retaken and garrisoned. The horde then turns west to assail the Sylvan Forest and the Northwind Mountains. Andaria sends 2,000 soldiers and 50 rangers to assist the ill prepared lands against the goblinoids, marking the first occasion the realms cooperated in a military fashion. The goblinoids are repelled again and the horde dissolves into infighting.

  • 4661 4D

    5 /7

    Formation of the Northguard Alliance
    Diplomatic action

    In the wake of the highly destructive Fourth Goblinoid invasion ravaging the lands, the kingdoms of Andaria, The Sylvan Forest and The Northwind Mountains sign an unlikely military alliance against the goblinoids on their borders.

    More reading
    Northguard Allliance
  • 4768 4D

    4768 4D


    Fifth Goblinoid Invasion
    Military action

    The fifth goblinoid invasion is even larger than the fourth invasion, with almost 60,000 goblinoids attacking Northwatch Keep. King Arencall's foolish expenditures are seemingly vindicated as the recently expanded fortress holds the pass against the horde. The goblinoids are repelled by the combined armies of the Northguard Alliance. The treaty's use is proven in this action and the kingdoms, initially wary of each other form close bonds following the action.

  • 4768 4D

    4769 4D


    Andarian Noble's Rebellion
    Military action

    Half of Andaria's nobles rebel against King Arencall due to the political and economic ramifications of his planned expansion of the professional army. The Rosehold Treaty nations support the rebels and attack Andaria, plunging the realm into a desperate war on all fronts.

  • 4782 4D

    Sixth Goblinoid Invasion
    Military action

    The sixth goblinoid invasion sees multiple pitched battles fought across the Northguard Alliance territories, eventually culminating in the invaders being surrounded and annihilated on the Honourfield by the combined allied armies.

  • 4852 4D

    1 /5

    Second War of Crowns
    Military action

    In response to Eldarheen attempts to damage Andarian economic interests, Andaria seizes the Duchy of Acrana and holds it.

  • 4898 4D

    Seventh Goblinoid Invasion
    Military action

    The seventh goblinoid invasion is crushed by the combined forces of the Northguard Alliance in a series of skirmishes and battles.

5th Dawn

5000 6000

The beginning of the new era is at hand

  • 5000 5D

    13 /2 01:00

    Birth of the Fifth Dawn
    Era beginning/end

    The myriad of events heralding the beginning of the Fifth Dawn take place.

  • 5000 5D

    13 /2 02:00

    Fall of Kor A'Dros / Rise of the Undead
    Disaster / Destruction

    The night of the new dawn, Kor A'Dros is destroyed as Elerith, the goddess protector of Kor A'Dros is murdered in a horrifying betrayal.  The entire population of Oad Neth is spontaneously turned undead as the dead rise from every mausoleum and graveyard in the realm, destroying it overnight.  As the survivours flee the once mighty and prosperous realm, the snows fall in it for the first time in 1,500 years.  A vast army of undead gather and begin their march on the mortal realms.

  • 5000 5D

    18 /2

    Acrintine Civil War
    Political event

    The King of Acrintine is murdered during the night of the 5th dawn. Crown Prince Haroldson and Archduke Gharrick accuse each other of plotting the assassination. The succession of the crown becomes a contentious issue and the realm is split. With the Archduke holding the northern lands loyal to him and the southern lands being loyal to the prince. The battle of Wrovine caused the almost total destruction of the small city and created a large wasteland without either side gaining ground. The arrival of the Eastern Plague caused both sides to cease offensive actions and settle into a stalemate.

  • 5000 5D

    30 /2

    Unification of Goblinoid Tribes
    Political event

    The warring goblinoid tribes of The Beastlands unite under the great hobgoblin Urrakka as they flee the Awakening of Pahrack in the Spike. Urrakka immediately begins organizing the masses of goblinoids into a massive fighting force in preparation for a desperate migration south as Riela's oldest living red dragon effortlessly annihilates entire tribes of goblinoids.

  • 5000 5D

    13 /3

    The Dawn Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    A new plague rises in the east that thwarts all divine healing. With symptoms of necrosis, fever and bleeding from the orifices, it has been described as a most horrible way to die and many have begun committing suicide rather than suffer it's effects. It has spread across the Tradesea into Acrintine, halting the civil war as entire populations are annihilated, helpless before it as it breaks all quarantine measures. With nearly a 75% fatality rate, panic spreads as the brightest minds and most desperate heroes search for a cure.

  • 5000 5D

    15 /3

    Battle of Syrdarr's Grief
    Military action

    The army of House Ecritil defeats the vanguard of the massive undead horde that has arisen in the Forsaken Lands in the first military action against it.  Half of House Ecritil's army is destroyed in the battle, however their valour in resisting the horde allows Syrdarr to intervene and render the land east of the mountains impassable to the undead.  The vast field of poppies over the field of battle and the ever burning pyre of the dead become known as Syrdarr's Tears and the Landspyre respectively.