Agneg Brymadra

Bear-kin, Jarl - Agneg is a descendant of Grandar, the first ruler of Northport after the Kingdom of Utara’s establishment. An accomplished warrior earlier in life, they are now showing signs of aging, though is still hale and shows no desire to give up their position as jarl. Agneg is a shrewd city manager and maintains a isolationist view with many outsiders, with exception of a Utara resident.   Fifteen years ago when the Sever Coven began to pose a threat to Northbridge and possibly the entirety of Utara, Agneg refused help from their daughter Vyna after she told them she knew of ways to stop the Coven and their vampiric accomplices. Once the threat grew too big to stop, Agneg revealed they had joined forces with several adventurers to subdue the Coven and had used many of the High Kings resources to accomplish this. While successful in defeating this threat, several innocents were killed in the fighting and the High King’s relationship with Agneg is highly strained.
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown fur begining to gray
6' 6"
260 Lbs
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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