Kingdom of Utara

The Utara are a coalition of hundreds of clans and tribes, the most powerful being The Unbroken. Despite the internal conflicts, which is very much a constant in the Kingdoms borders, the people of Utara are unified in the defense of their land and peers. Technologically speaking, most visitors to the real would consider them very primitive, the frozen tundra of their home possibly impeding their growth but underestimate their resourcefulness at your own peril.




For Utara, honor is tied to reputation. Bravery, nobility, magnanimity, a sense of fair play, respect for others, and the strength to do what is right is praised. Acts of cowardice and treachery are reviled. Freedom is highly valued and the act of taking someone as a slave is universally reviled.    Though consolidated to a smaller land mass, the Kingdom of Utara is one of the most densely populated areas in the shard of Dayne. Hundreds of clans now dominate amidst the cold and icy tundra. The Utaran are the undisputed power in the North and are barely restrained in their want of war. In their pursuit to gain the approval of their peers and family, destined Utarans will travel or adventure abroad to find battle and glory as they seek out experience.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Subsidiary Organizations


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