
Society - Austinburgh’s society blends traditional Kerekian, elf, dwarf, and sylvanborn elements. While many sailors and their families reside in the porty city, it has a very relaxed attitude as apposed to other military-focused settlments in Kerak. The downtown peninsula has a number of art, music, local cuisine, and fashion venues. The Laylow Festival, held annually in late spring, was founded in 610 AA by composer Aldorno, is a large music festival held near the beaches of Shallow Rock Bay which incorporates musical artists from all over Dayne. Austinburgh’s oldest community theater group, the Wyndie Players, has provided theatrical productions for many years. A variety of performing arts venues includes the Dock Street Theatre. Austinburgh is known for its local seafood, which plays a key role in the city's renowned cuisine, comprising staple dishes such as crab soup, fried oysters, Shallow Rock boil, deviled crab cakes, and prawns.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Kerak)

Industry & Trade

Imports Lumber, linen, various metals, armor, and reagents   Exports Sea-going vessels, rice, tobacco, dyes, cotton, and textiles   Trade and Commerce Commerce thrives in Austinburg, where the city's maritime activities and strategic location contribute to a busy trading scene. The port serves as a gateway for goods from both major continents, making it a hub of international trade. Merchant vessels, laden with a multitude of goods, dock at the active quays of Austinburg, ready to exchange their wares for the city's renowned shipbuilding craftsmanship. Several markets and trading houses offer a plethora of goods, both local and imported, attracting traders, merchants, and adventurers from as far as the Kingdom of Utara.


  • Royal Navy Shipyard
  • Broad Docks
  • Rampart Docks
  • Bell Ward
  • Naval District

Guilds and Factions

Retired Chiefs Association - The RCA was formed to advance the interests of the Royal Navy Chief Corps, encouraging integrity and fidelity to the service of the Kingdom, and fellowship within the senior enlisted ranks. It also served as a place where those no longer able to serve in an armed capacity could find work outside of their military career. Vocational expertise and adventuring skills were taught to these newly separated individuals. In 475 AA, the association was chartered by and for enlisted sailors, under the auspices of the RCA, reinforcing the Association’s motto – “In respect for those who have gone before us in life and death, and as an example for those who follow into service of the realm”.


Austinburg is situated on the western bank of the Periphery River, where it flows out to meet the waters of Shallow Rock Bay. As a port city, it thrives on its maritime activities and is renowned for its shipbuilding prowess. The city's shipyards dominate the landscape, with towering lifts and busy docks that resonate with the sounds of hammers and saws. As a major military hub, Austinburg plays a critical role in the defense of the Kingdom of Kerak. Its strategic location grants it easy access to both the river and the bay, making it an important stronghold against potential threats from the sea. The city's walls are sturdy and well-fortified, adorned with the banners and symbols of the kingdom and its military forces. Despite its military focus, Austinburg maintains a diverse society. The city is a melting pot, where people from various races and backgrounds coexist in relative peace. Humans, dwarves, elves, and sylvanborn reside side by side, forming a blended society that contributes to the city's unique character. The architecture of the city reflects this blend, combining the elegance of elven designs with the sturdy craftsmanship of dwarven construction.   In addition to its military and shipbuilding expertise, Austinburg offers its residents and visitors a pleasant and vibrant lifestyle. The city is adorned with parks, gardens, and plazas where people gather to socialize, relax, and enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds them. Austinburg's residents take pride in their city, always remembering its rich history and contributions during many armed conflicts. Festivals and celebrations are held throughout the year, showcasing the talents and traditions of the different races that call the city home. The positive feelings among the residents, forged through shared a common love for their city, creates a strong sense of community.

Points of interest

  • Royal Navy Shipyards - The “Yards” serve as the heart of the Royal Navy's support operations, where skilled craftsmen and engineers work t to construct modern vessels that will sail the seas in defense of the Kingdom of Kerak. From sleek frigates to imposing galleons, the shipyards of Austinburg boast a formidable fleet that has earned the respect of seafarers throughout the realm.
  • The Half-full Flagon - A modest dwarven inn, built within what was once a sailing ship. This is one of the more popular locations for navy sailors.
  • The “A-Burgh” Guildhall - A grand stone-walled building, decorated with a metal-scale roof. It contains a large meeting hall and several smaller rooms. It is shared amongst several local trade guilds, military clubs, and Chiefs Mess Hall.
  • Gere's Carvings - The workshop of a female human woodcarver named Bilia Gere, who also brews potions and elixirs. Bilia is an former adventurer who enjoys juggling edged weapons of all sort for coin.


Austinburgh is situated in the southern region of Alteria, within the Kingdom of Kerak. The town is located on the northeastern shores of Shallow Rock Bay and rests on the western bank of the Periphery River (this branch is the West, which comes from the Tristar Intersection near Apollyon).


Austinburgh has a humid subtropical climate, with mild winters, hot humid summers, and significant rainfall all year long. Summer is the wettest season; almost half of the annual rainfall occurs from June to September in the form of thundershowers. Fall remains relatively warm through the middle of November. Winter is short and mild, and is characterized by occasional rain. Measurable snow has a median occurrence of only once per decade at the port, but freezing rain is more common.  Austinburgh's city center climate is considerably milder than the port due to stronger maritime influence. This is especially true in the winter, with the average January low in the city's core being 43.6 °F (6 °C) to the port's 38.9 °F (4 °C) for example.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed – Mostly human, elf, and dwarves.
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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