Lord Admiral Daïaos Doxa

Human, Lord Admiral - In the years after Battle of Crownsmen Bay, Daïaos became the one of the most prominent figures in Kerak. He continues to advocate for a strong Navy and has personally overseen the creation of a fleet of 200 warships. This has caused a drastic reduction in piracy in south Kerak and kept any threats from the Dead Peninsula in check, for now. Daïaos is thought of as a visionary on the battlefield. His officers and sailors regard him as one of the best leaders among nobles and the Navy. His naval policies have had a lasting impact on Kerak as well, since maritime power became the cornerstone of the Kingdoms military strategy since the end of the War of Freedom. Austinburgh is the home to the Royal Navy Yards and their primary training grounds for new sailors, all run by the watchful eye of the Lord Admiral.   Lord Admiral Daïaos Doxa is both a noble and military commander. As a noble, he tends to be a populist in his ideologies, favoring his people having agency in what happens in Austinburgh. Daïaos has the support of lower-class Kerakians and tends to be at odds with the other nobility, due to what is perceived as relaxed latitude to his citizens. After his actions during the Battle of Crownsmen Bay in 618 AA, he was granted a Lordship by King Araynin Kerak V . He then was able to convince the Royal Navy Admiralty to increase the naval power of Kerak. The Royal Navy is now considered one of the strongest in all of Dayne and definitely the most modern.
Current Location
5' 10"
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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