Azash Shmurgenhoffen

Human, Retired Navy Commander - Azash, a seasoned seafarer with a weathered countenance, commands respect and admiration from her fellow townsfolk. Having grown up in a family of fishermen and navigators, Azash has a deep-rooted connection with the sea that stretches back through generations. Her many experiences navigating treacherous waters and braving violent storms have shaped her character. Commander Shmurgenhoffen’s journey has ingrained in her a natural caution and a wariness of strangers, making her slow to trust those outside of Eden's Marsh. Her responsibilities as a leader during the War of Freedom have further heightened her sense of vigilance, as she tirelessly worked to protect the town from potential threats. She was the Master of several small warships and survived two sinkings during the war.   Azash is known for her unwavering dedication to the safety and prosperity of Eden's Marsh. She is a respected strategist, employing her vast knowledge of the sea's ebb and flow to guide the town through challenging times. Her decisions are measured and deliberate, always considering the potential risks and benefits for her community. Despite her initial guardedness, Commander Shmurgenhoffen is fiercely protective of her people and possesses a deep sense of loyalty. Those who prove themselves trustworthy and show genuine goodwill are met with her unwavering support and fierce determination to ensure their well-being. Under her leadership, Eden's Marsh finds strength and resilience, anchored by the wisdom and experience of a leader who has weathered the storms of both the sea and war.
Current Location
Long red hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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