Eden's Marsh

Society -  Eden's Marsh is deeply rooted in a spirit of self-sufficiency and resilience. Living in a town that has experienced the looming threat of conflict, the people have developed a strong sense of unity and communal support. They value cooperation and mutual aid, recognizing the importance of banding together to overcome challenges. Fishing and trade form the lifeblood of the town's economy, with skilled fishermen and merchants plying their trade along the shores and bustling marketplaces. Artisans and craftsmen are highly regarded for their glass and obsidian work, their intricate creations adorning the streets and homes. Despite their initial wariness, once trust is earned, the people of Eden's Marsh demonstrate unwavering loyalty and friendship, creating a tight-knit community where strangers can become lifelong allies.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Kerak)

Industry & Trade

Imports Cattle, fruits/vegetables, wheat, lumber, and glass.   Exports Obsidian, seafood, shells, boats/ships, and sails.   Trade and Commerce The town has gained renown for its expertise in working with glass and obsidian, drawing visitors from throughout Kerak seeking their craftsmanship. Skilled artisans, who have honed their techniques over generations, transform the obsidian and basalt abundant in the area into intricate sculptures, jewelry, and ornamental objects. The glassmakers of Eden's Marsh are equally renowned for their delicate and colorful creations, ranging from stained glass windows to finely blown vases and containers. The town's bustling marketplaces offer a delightful array of these artisanal works, attracting traders and collectors eager to acquire these prized creations. The commerce of Eden's Marsh extends outside the continent, as merchants export their wares to neighboring kingdoms and distant lands, spreading the town's reputation as a hub of exquisite craftsmanship.


Eden's Marsh is a port town located on a beach of black sand beach, composed predominantly of basalt, obsidian, and flecks of green sand particles. However, caution must be exercised when strolling upon the beach during the day, as its exceptional ability to absorb sunlight can scorch the unwary traveler's feet. This coastal town carries the weight of its tumultuous history, forged during the turbulent times of the War of Freedom. The people of Eden's Marsh have endured numerous threats, particularly from the nearby slaver Kingdom of Battenmore while it existed. Though Battenmore's advances never reached the town itself, the constant danger left an indelible mark on its inhabitants.   Due to these harrowing experiences, the people of Eden's Marsh have become somewhat wary and untrusting of visitors. The specter of surprise attacks, both from land and sea, has left them cautious and vigilant. This sense of caution, born out of a history of conflict, shaped the town's character and led its residents to exercise discretion when it comes to outsiders. Amidst this backdrop of resilience and apprehension, Eden's Marsh remains a place of beauty and wonder. Its docks are well-built and can accommodate many deep-draft vessels. The town itself boasts cobblestone streets lined with a handful taverns, small open marketplace, and cottage-style homes adorned with unique glass ornaments. The locals, although initially guarded, possess a strong sense of community and hospitality, especially for those who demonstrate trustworthiness and respect.

Points of interest

The White Purse - A modest adventurer's tavern, kept by a retired adventurer named Ingeg.


Edens Marsh is situated in the southern region of Alteria, within the Kingdom of Kerak. The town is located at the southern tip of the Prayer Mountains and is situated on the western shores of Shallow Rock Bay.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed - Mostly human, hobling, and wylderkin.
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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