

Baileon is a true frontier town. Understanding they are on the outskirts of the kingdom, the few citizens in the area employ whatever resources they have to protect themselves. In this case, adventurers more than meet their needs. The residents of Baileon are very accepting of adventurers who have shown they have good morals, knowing that such individuals risked their lives to face dangers common folk would never face themselves. In Baileon, adventurers are not merely passing travelers but valued members of the community. The townsfolk harbor a deep respect for these brave souls who willingly venture into perilous realms to confront threats that common folk dare not face. The acceptance of adventurers stems from an understanding of the sacrifices they make and the risks they undertake in the name of protecting others.  


Travelers of the area can easily see ruined structures that are rumored to show signs of long-lost rituals and an old Elven society that no longer seems to exist. Clearly ancient in nature, many who have attempted to identify the origins of these places have proven difficult.


Baelion stands as the Capital of the Barony of Drakemyre, southern most Barony of the Kingdom of Kerak.

Industry & Trade

Imports Precious metals, cattle, paper/parchment, wool   Exports Lumber, weapons, armors, alchemy, and reagents   Trade and Commerce Baileon operates under the standard “travelers” economy. The transient groups and adventurers sell their wares in areas around the tavern. Auctions have been common in the past and merchant caravans travel to the location often to interact with the people in the town. The unique placement of the town tends to allow for adventurers and explorers to find or procure unique items and wares that could normally be hard to find in other areas of the Kingdom, if not the majority of Alteria. The somewhat nearby military fortress of Landisridge does also provide some income due to the armies’ needs. Soldiers and officers will sometimes spend their leave at Baileon. They also consider the town under their area of responsibility.


Baileon's origins can be traced back to the early days of settlement in the region. As pioneers and explorers ventured southward, seeking new lands to inhabit and exploit, a small community began to take shape on top of an old Elven ruin from the first age. Initially little more than a cluster of rudimentary shelters on the southern fringes of the Kingdom, Baileon gradually grew as more settlers were drawn to the area by the promise of fertile land and untapped resources.   Today, the walled town provides supplies to Landisridge and food to the surrounding region. Baroness Olanda Lucarius of House Drakemyre, manages the day to day matters within the town and chooses to resolve most of problems himself. The Barony of Drakemyre is the smallest Barony of Kerak, and often left to their own being the furthest from the Captial.

Points of interest

The Drunken Prince – Considered the main meeting and dining hall for Baileon. Managed by its proprietor Alyn, The Drunken Prince is known to be a favorite amongst Story tellers and Bards. Items litter the walls telling stories and exploits of Adventures from every Age as well as a plethora of Ales and Beverages from the region.   Great Watchtower of Rhavrym The Great Watchtower of Rhavrym, also known as the Beacon of the Sea, sits perched on a jagged rocky cliff face overlooking the vast expanse of the Calle Ocean. It is a towering structure made entirely of ancient stones that have stood the test of time. Though none can remember when it was first built, it still stands tall and functional to this day, serving as a guiding light for sailors at sea and a strategic watchtower for those who guard the kingdom.


Baileon is situated in the southern region of Alteria, near the eastern portion of the Gray Forest. It is northwest of the Great Watchtower of Rhavrym and rests on the west bank of the southern branch of the Periphery, within the Voss River Valley.
Inhabitant Demonym
Majority - Human, Dwarf, and Hobling.
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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