Barnaby Neigh

Human, Tavern Owner – The Bizarre Jackal Inn and Tavern is owned by a disheveled human named Barnaby Neigh, the epitome of a man worn down by a life filled with ale and constant anxiety. Barnaby's unkempt chestnut hair and scruffy beard betray his neglect for personal grooming, matching his tavern's slightly rundown appearance. Deep wrinkles etch lines of exhaustion and worry into his weathered face, evidence of countless sleepless nights spent keeping the establishment running smoothly. Despite his once-muscular build, Barnaby now sports a slight paunch, a testament to his fondness for the potent liquors he serves. His clothes, once well-tailored, hang loosely on his frame. Stains from spilled drinks and greasy food adorn his faded apron, showcasing the chaotic nature of his profession. Most days, Barnaby is found perpetually inebriated, his bloodshot eyes barely focusing on the tasks at hand. His hands shake slightly as he pours drinks, a constant tremor caused by the stress that permeates his life. The smell of ale clings to him, intertwining with the aroma of smoke from the ever-burning hearth, creating an atmosphere that feels both cozy and haphazard.   His voice, gravelly and hoarse from nights of shouting over the raucous patrons, carries a hint of irritation. When he speaks, it's laced with equal parts frustration and a resigned sense of duty. He often grumbles to himself, muttering curses under his breath about the burden he carries and the imminent threat that looms beyond Atlan's Wall. Behind the bar, the shelves are cluttered with bottles and mismatched tankards, a reflection of Barnaby's perpetual state of disarray. Though he struggles to keep up with the demands of his patrons at times, he does so with a grim determination, knowing that his tavern serves as a haven for weary travelers seeking respite from the unknowns of the nearby Spellscar. His eyes, once filled with a youthful glimmer of adventure, now hold a constant fear and weariness. The proximity of deadly creatures, kept at bay by the colossal Atlan's Wall, haunts his every waking moment. Despite his flaws and the perpetual haze of alcohol that surrounds him, Barnaby is a survivor. His unwavering dedication to his tavern and the people within its walls showcases his resilience in the face of overwhelming odds.
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