
Society The hamlet has become a unique mix of cultures, as the refugee Biata and former workers from the Atlan's Wall project blend with the existing inhabitants. Despite their diverse backgrounds, the people of Khy'berdon have fostered a strong sense of community through adversity, bound together by their shared struggles and a collective determination to rebuild their lives. They embrace one another's customs and traditions, finding strength in their differences. Together, they work tirelessly to create a society where patience, cooperation, and compassion is needed near the remnants of a shattered kingdom.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Kerak)

Industry & Trade

Imports Lumber, various stone, construction equipment, armor   Exports Weapons, clothing, wine/spirits, medicine, and ranged weaponry   Trade and Commerce The convergence of refugees from the destroyed Kingdom of Dazan, seasoned workers from the completed Atlan's Wall, and the local inhabitants has created a stable marketplace. Stalls and carts line the cobblestone thoroughfares, offering an array of goods. Traders, both local and itinerant, bring in food, spices, textiles, clothing, and rare artifacts, enticing the curiosity of the townsfolk. Adventurers and explorers often feed the economy here, often staging their excursions or travels from the Bizarre Jackal. The vibrant “adventurers economy” is a major factor in keeping Khy’berdon afloat with their influx of coin.

Guilds and Factions

Ironwood Adventurers Academy - Is a renowned institution that provides training and education for aspiring adventurers. It is a well-respected organization that is known throughout the kingdom for producing some of the most skilled and capable adventurers around. The academy operates out of a central headquarters in the Kingdom of Kerak, but it also has several outposts throughout the kingdom, including one in the remote town of Khy’berdon. The academy is staffed by experienced adventurers who serve as instructors and mentors for the students. These instructors are skilled in a wide variety of areas, including combat, survival, magic, and diplomacy, and they provide hands-on training and instruction to help the students develop their skills.   The curriculum at the academy covers a wide range of subjects, from basic survival skills to advanced combat techniques. Students are taught how to navigate dangerous environments, how to identify and deal with magical threats, and how to work effectively in teams. Graduates of the Ironwood Adventurers Academy are highly sought after by employers throughout the kingdom, including noble houses, guilds, and private citizens. Many go on to have long and illustrious careers as adventurers, while others use their skills to pursue other careers, such as serving as scouts, bodyguards, or diplomats.   Watchers – Made up of volunteers of Alteria’s various Kingdoms, these individuals work keeps a taut watch of the Spellscar and guards Atlan’s Wall from any possible invasion from the horrors that now inhabit the decimated lands. Watchers are masked and covered with the best equipment available. The masks are believed to protect the wearers from the mental abilities that are rumored to be used by the creatures in the Spellscar. Each Watcher will spend six months on the wall and is then released from their service.


Centered around the beloved Bizarre Jackal Inn and Tavern, the once tiny settlement has experienced rapid growth in the last few years, its boundaries expanding to accommodate the influx of those seeking refuge. The streets of Khy'berdon, once quiet and unassuming, see more activity as the refugee Biata, displaced from their ravaged Kingdom of Dazan, have sought solace within its borders. Their presence adds a vibrant diversity to the hamlet, their colorful clothing and unique customs injecting life into the otherwise modest settlement. Among the newcomers are a handful of former workers who had dedicated their efforts to constructing the now-completed Atlan's Wall. These individuals, having witnessed the destructive might of the Spellscar firsthand, have chosen to make Khy'berdon their permanent home, their skills and experience now employed for the betterment of the community.   The hamlet's landscape reflects the haphazard nature of its growth. Modest cottages and makeshift dwellings, hastily erected to accommodate the increasing population, dot the countryside. Though lacking in architectural grandeur, these abodes possess a charm born out of resilience and determination. The once-dull market square, now a hub of activity, now has a few merchants selling wares from other parts of Kerak. The atmosphere buzzes with a sense of unity as the townsfolk, both old and new, strive to forge a sense of community in the face of adversity.   In the heart of Khy'berdon stands the Bizarre Jackal Inn and Tavern, its flickering lanterns casting a warm glow on the old stone streets. Here, weary travelers and locals gather to find respite from their troubles, their voices mingling with laughter and the clinking of tankards. Barnaby Neigh, the tavern owner, grumbles behind the bar, tirelessly serving patrons as they share tales of hardship, loss, and terrible experiences. Barnaby is determined, if anything, and puts on a good face for his patrons and the small town. The town was thankful at the permanent establishment of a Watch Quartermaster Camp just outside the town. The stationing of Watchers here gave the town a small breath of relief. The IAA's presence is also a boon to the people here.

Points of interest

The Bizarre Jackal Inn and Tavern - The Bizarre Jackal Inn and Tavern exudes an aura of determination and chaos. Its rundown appearance matches the disheveled state of its owner, who spends his days and nights catering to the needs of patrons seeking solace from the looming threat beyond Atlan's Wall. The air is filled with the mingling scents of ale, smoke, and spilled drinks, while Barnaby's hoarse voice and trembling hands reflect his constant stress and exhaustion. Despite this, the building is considered a safe haven. It is built from ironwood and has held up well over the years. The IAA has a rented a few rooms here on a monthly basis and has a few of their instructors or students stay here on occasion.


Khy’berdon is situated in the central region of Alteria, within the Kingdom of Kerak. The town is southwest of the Spellscar, near to Atlan’s Wall. It is also set on the northern portion of the Coloserrie Mountains and directly between the Fork Divide of the Periphery River.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed – Mostly Biata, humans, and dwarves.
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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