Baron-Commander Arkun Keat

Human, Baron-Commander - As the Baron of the Barony of Keating, he is prominent individual who had a significant impact on the War of Freedom with Battenmore. Arkun Keat is a middle-aged man who has dedicated his life to military service. Before the outbreak of the War of Freedom, he had already established himself as a successful career military officer, attaining the esteemed rank of Commander. His expertise in troop landings and land invasions led him to assume an instructional role at the renowned War College. Physically, Arkun bears the signs of his demanding lifestyle. He stands shorter than most, with a stocky and somewhat overweight build. His appearance is characterized by uneven black hair that falls in disarray around his face, reflecting his lack of concern for personal grooming. His most striking features are his dark grey eyes, which possess a piercing intensity.   In battle, Arkun is easily identifiable by his preferred attire, usually clad in sturdy banded mail armor. This armor provides him with ample protection, allowing him to lead from the front lines with confidence. His weapon of choice is a formidable two-handed sword, which he wields with strength and precision. Arkun's demeanor is gruff and brusque, often exhibiting impatience and a no-nonsense attitude towards most people. He is not one for extensive pleasantries or idle chatter, preferring to focus on the matters at hand. He often requires subordinates and residents to repeat back what he said to them to insure they were listening to them. Those who cannot or have difficulty responding to the Baron will quickly see him turn away in annoyance. However, those who demonstrate loyalty and competence can earn his respect and perhaps even his friendship.   One constant companion by Arkun's side is his faithful animal companion, Graffin, a black wolf. Graffin serves as the Baron's unwavering protector and never strays far from his side. The wolf's presence instills fear in their enemies, acting as an additional deterrent to those who would challenge Arkun's authority. Those who know him best say that the Baron-Comander isdriven by a deep sense of duty and a desire to protect and serve his people. While his rough exterior may intimidate some, those who look beyond it will find a steadfast and unwavering ally.
Current Location
Dark Grey
5' 8"
200 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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