
Society The townsfolk of Everpool are a diverse mix of retired military veterans and experienced instructors. Their disciplined nature and respect for order exist in every aspect of daily life. Many of them, having served in various conflicts, possess fascinating tales of valor and tactical brilliance, which they willingly share with eager listeners. The townspeople take great pride in their association with the War College and even more pride in their performance during the heavy fighting of the War of Freedom.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Kerak)

Industry & Trade

Imports Lumber, linen, various metals, armor, and reagents   Exports Sails, tar, books/tomes, ranged weapons, and naval weaponry   Trade and Commerce Being a major port and military town, merchants flock to Everpool to hawk their wares, their shops and carts displaying an array of enchanted weapons, mystical artifacts, and spellbound tomes. A busy marketplace thrives, drawing newly enlisted warriors and arcane scholars, each seeking to arm themselves with the tools of combat. The exchange of gold and precious gems flows freely as students and instructors barter for rare ingredients and components to fuel their alchemical experiments or forge formidable armaments. Scribes and artisans ply their respective crafts, inscribing intricate spells upon parchment scrolls or fashioning ornate emblems and sigils that signify one's allegiance or achievement. Beyond the mere art of war, the trade and commerce in the settlement focus on the pursuit of knowledge as well.


  • Sabre Piers
  • Castleton Village
  • Iron Ward
  • High Market
  • Bulwark Borough

Guilds and Factions

Retired Chiefs Association - The RCA was formed to advance the interests of the Royal Navy Chief Corps, encouraging integrity and fidelity to the service of the Kingdom, and fellowship within the senior enlisted ranks. It also served as a place where those no longer able to serve in an armed capacity could find work outside of their military career. Vocational expertise and adventuring skills were taught to these newly separated individuals. In 475 AA, the association was chartered by and for enlisted sailors, under the auspices of the RCA, reinforcing the Association’s motto – “In respect for those who have gone before us in life and death, and as an example for those who follow into service of the realm”.     Spellbinders Guild – A unique organization within the realm of magic, stands as a repository of knowledge and arcane mastery. Comprised of skilled spellswords, enchanters, and scholars, the guild serves as a nexus for the study, preservation, and application of mystical arts. Housed within a grand marble tower with shimmering sigils and ancient tomes, the guild provides a haven for its members to exchange insights, unravel the secrets of spellcraft, and delve into esoteric research. Led by a council of seasoned masters, the guild's halls resound with the crackling energy of spellcasting, as apprentices and adepts alike hone their craft under the watchful eyes of their mentors. Lately, the organization has become more private and rarely venture out past the tower gates.


Everpool has flourished alongside the growth of the nearby War College, evolving into a hamlet that caters primarily to the needs of educators and students. Everpool is a small but active town shown to maintain disciplined order regardless of the season. Its streets are neatly paved with cobblestones, flanked by well-maintained cottages adorned with ivy-covered facades. The architecture is predominantly traditional, reflecting a blend of nature and military pragmatism. Turrets and battlements peek above the rooftops, a visual reminder of the town's close ties to the nearby War College. The heart of Everpool revolves around the military, a prestigious institution that has attracted retired military personnel and esteemed instructors. The town's layout is influenced by its purpose, with amenities and services thoughtfully designed to cater to the needs of the college community. The streets are lined with bookshops, where students and professors browse through a vast array of tomes on strategy, history, and the arcane arts.   The settlement boasts a large market square, where merchants sell wares ranging from finely crafted weapons and armor to magical protectives and potions. It's a hub of activity, with the sounds of haggling and friendly banter continuing well into the night. Students and instructors often gather here to exchange ideas, spar in friendly combat, or indulge in hearty meals at the various taverns and eateries that line the square.   Everpool was a staging point for military incursions during the War of Freedom. Large camps were established on the outskirts of the settlement and several major battles occurred in and near the town. The pivotal Battle of Crownsmen Bay was fought off its shores and involved the armies, navies, and battlemage corps of several nations. It was widespread and devastating. The walls of the town were severely damaged during several land battles and the patchwork repairs are still clearly shown in several spots. The residents proudly point these out and tell of the heroic engagements that occurred around these breaches. The town has now more settled into the od feeling of relative peace, though remain prepared to answer the call for war if need be.

Points of interest

The War College of Kerak – Is a massive military education center of excellence for the Kingdom of Kerak. It is the primary training center for Kerak’s Army Officers and bastion of knowledge, where warriors and scholars converge to study the art of war. It combines rich traditions, architectural beauty, and an immersive learning environment to empower military students with the skills and wisdom required to triumph in the battlefield.   Grimi's Arsenal - The workshop of a male dwarf weaponsmith named Grimi, who is rumored to sell weapons of impeccable sharpness and quality. While expensive, he is known to provide recent graduates of the War College with free arms in return for a personal favor.   The Oculus of Night - A dome with a circular opening at its center, supported by a ring of caryatid columns. The sky seen through the oculus is perpetually dark, marked by strange constellations of stars. Most believe this to be an ancient relic left behind and its purpose is a mystery.   Eabulf's Smithy - A neglected blacksmith's workshop, built within the walls of an old stone watchtower on the southern edge of the settlement. Eabulf is an older Utaran and can be heard loudly cursing while he works, having a tendency to burn himself on accident.


Everpool is situated in the northwest region of Alteria, within the Kingdom of Kerak. The town is located on the eastern shore of Crownsmen Bay. It is southwest of Laketown and rests on the northern point of the Prayer Mountains.
160 (Not including the large military garrisons stationed nearby)
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed – All lineages represented.
Location under
Owning Organization


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