Brialwyn Seechuck

Elf, Adventurer/Inn Owner - Is the daughter of the original owner, Mort Seechuck, and primarily handles the day-to-day business. A first look at Brialwyn shows a hobbling that is rough in appearance, with tangled black hair and narrow green eyes. After a conversation with her, one learns that she easily understands how to run a successful tavern and still make time to adventurer. She carries a conversation with light humor and has the poise to negotiate complex business deals with ease. The residents of Moat Mort appreciate her candor and experiences, especially as she still travels outside the town, on occasion of course, with a small adventuring party of friends. Since her fathers retirement, she has stayed closer to home to keep the tavern afloat. She wears scale mail and wields a short spear and heavy crossbow, with the latter closely resembling the taverns namesake. Having once been considered for a place among the Legion of Dawn, she turned down their offer to care for her home and father. This choice saved her from the fate that befell the legendary group. With the uncertainty of what the future might hold, she is very content to limit her travels to within the kingdom.
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