Mort Moat

Society - Its inhabitants, primarily adventurers, explorers, and former soldiers, form a tight-knit community bonded by shared experiences., They readily embrace newcomers, recognizing the value of survival skills and knowledge. Mort Moat's society is characterized by its spirit of collaboration, with adventurers often forming teams to tackle perilous quests in the nearby mountains and explore uncharted realms together in the Gray Forest. The tavern, The Melting Crossbow, acts as the heart of this society, serving as a meeting place for kindred spirits to share stories, seek companionship, and forge potential alliances. Bonds forged in Mort Moat often extend beyond the town's borders, as adventurers venture forth, carrying the spirit of their community into Dayne.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Kerak)

Industry & Trade

Imports Cattle, hemp, silk, steel, and lumber   Exports Freshwater, crossbows, mead, mountaineering equipment   Trade and Commerce As a gathering place for adventurers and explorers, the town serves as a marketplace where unique and rare items or tools exchange hands. Crafters and merchants set up carts or wagons, displaying an array of their wares, enchanted trinkets, and maps leading to potential profit. The tavern itself has become a hub of economic activity, with patrons trading gear and knowledge, sharing information about lucrative projects and sought-after weapons/armor. The flow of coin and goods sustains the town, especially with the lucrative auctions held by the towns residents and soldiers stationed nearby. The town's strategic location near the fortress and trade road ensures a steady stream of commerce, making it a vital stop for both locals and those passing through the region.


Mort Moat emerges as a unique tavern-town, etched into the very fabric of the landscape. Established next to a long and sturdy suspension bridge that spans the mighty expanse of the Periphery River below, this settlement exudes an aura of adventure and resilience. Mort Moat serves as a home for a diverse array of residents, primarily comprising of seasoned adventurers, explorers, and former soldiers who once guarded the mighty Fortress of Landisridge to the south. As one approaches Mort Moat, the imposing fort on the other side of the bridge comes into view, standing as a sentinel overlooking the mountain valley and trade road. Called Coloserrie Keep, its sturdy stone walls set with ballista and siege crossbows are a constant reminder of the region's rich military history and the ever-present need for vigilance.   The tavern, known as The Melting Crossbow, stands as the epicenter of Mort Moat, emanating warmth and mirth amidst the awe-inspiring surroundings. Carved into the mountainside, the tavern boasts a charming and rustic exterior, with wooden beams and a thatched roof lending it an inviting appeal. Inside, the air is thick with laughter and ballads. The walls are adorned with the relics of adventurers' past triumphs—ancient maps, tattered flags, and weapons. A portrait of the tavern, if not towns, founder Mort Seechuck, stands above the main entrance. Ascending through the town, one discovers a labyrinth of interconnected structures clinging to the eastern mountainside. Stairs, ladders, and a zipline rope system allow inhabitants to traverse the different levels, revealing hidden alcoves and meeting spots. Mort Moat is the last stop within the river valley before arriving at the Fortress in Landisridge.

Points of interest

The Melting Crossbow Tavern - An inn decorated with various adventuring equipment and battle trophies, the centerpiece being a clearly deformed crossbow over the bar. The original founder named the tavern it after the very weapon had saved his life. The other trophies are actually those gathered by his old company from its days of adventuring. The inn’s taproom is gaining some notice for its sparkling “fire mead”, a sweet and fiery drink.


Mort Moat is situated in the southern region of Alteria, within the Kingdom of Kerak. The town is located in the Lower-Central Corridor of the Periphery River and is established in the mountainsides of the Coloserrie Mountains.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mostly human, dwarves, and elves
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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