
Society The residents live simple, yet fulfilling lives. A strong sense of community prevails, as neighbors come together to celebrate the changing seasons, share in the joy of successful harvests, and support one another during times of need. The local tavern, Sparrow’s Song, is a popular gathering place where farmers, mages, and even wandering adventurers gather to exchange stories, trade magical artifacts, and revel in the tales of bravery and wonder that abound. Music is at the heart of the community and the residents enjoy bringing in new performers to hear from. Poetry and music are near constants in the Sparrow’s Song, lending to the communities positive outlook and energy. Even during times of mourning in Cadford, music is often used to ease the feelings associated with the loss.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Kerak)

Industry & Trade

Imports Various seed, farming equipment, books/tomes, vellum   Exports Produce, medicinal herbs, alchemy/potions, various foodstuffs   Trade and Commerce The villagers engage in a bustling market economy. Local farmers showcase their produce and herbs in a marketplace, attracting merchants, potion-makers, and other visitors from far and wide. The trade routes connecting Cadford to neighboring towns and cities are very active, as caravans transport goods to and from the farms in the community. The tavern often serves as a central hub of commercial activity, where deals are struck, contracts are negotiated, and tales of successful trades echo through the lively atmosphere. In this thriving community, trade not only sustains the livelihoods of the villagers but also fosters cultural exchange and strengthens the bonds between Cadford and the wider Kingdom.


Cadford is a serene village that is known for its thriving agricultural practices and peaceful residents. Located amidst rolling hills and fertile fields, earth magics are used to promote growth and protection. Doing this has ensured bountiful harvests and safeguarded against natural calamities. The community elders have fostered a deep understanding and respect for the magical creatures that exist in Dayne. Thanks most to its location, Cadford has remained relatively untouched by the ravages of war. The nobles of Kerak have prioritized the preservation of peace within their realm. Consequently, the villagers of Cadford were fortunate enough to cultivate their fields and tend to their livestock without the shadow of conflict looming over them.

Points of interest

The Sparrow’s Song Tavern - Nestled within the heart of Cadford, this wooden building and colorful, tiled roof can be seen from a good distance. As one steps through its weathered wooden doors, the rich aroma of hearty meals and aged spirits wafts through the air, mingling with the sweet strains of music that fill every nook and cranny. The tavern resonates with the harmonies of bards, poets, and talented musicians who perform on the stage, their fingers nimbly plucking lutes and fiddles, and their voices weaving tales of heroic deeds and comedic adventurers. The air is alive with the rhythmic tapping of feet and the joyous laughter of patrons, who gather around cozy hearths, sharing tales and clapping in time to the melodies. Adorned with colorful tapestries and flickering candlelight, The Sparrow's Song is not merely a tavern, but a sanctuary of music and positive energy.


Cadford is situated in the central region of Alteria, within the Kingdom of Kerak. The city is located within the Lower Corridor of the Periphery River and has the western face of the Coloserrie Mountains immediately to the east. The community is due south of the City of Apollyon.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed – Mostly human, hobling, and selunari.
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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