Commadore Joscelin Dumont

A distinguished navy officer and the charismatic mayor of the bustling port city of Luxport, is a figure of both naval authority and eccentric charm. Clad in his impeccably tailored dress uniform even in public, Joscelin carries himself with an air of confidence that reflects his shrewd naval expertise. His presence in Luxport is synonymous with the city's maritime prowess, and his commitment to both naval duty and civic leadership is unwavering.   Known for his eccentricities, Commodore Dumont stands out as a socialite who thrives on the vibrant energy of Luxport. Often found interacting with residents and visitors alike, he bridges the gap between the naval hierarchy and the common folk, creating a sense of ease that resonates throughout the city. His love for socializing is evident in the lively events and gatherings he organizes, turning Luxport into a place where diplomacy and revelry coalesce.   Beyond his affable exterior, Joscelin Dumont is a strategic mastermind on the high seas. His naval career is marked by tactical brilliance and a deep understanding of maritime trade dynamics, attributes that have earned him respect both in naval circles and the political arena. As mayor, he brings this expertise to the governance of Luxport, ensuring that the city's economic and naval interests are well balanced. His performance during the War of Last Breath has led to several major victories at sea and on shore. Joscelin's dress uniform, adorned with medals and insignias, is a prized symbol of both his naval achievements and his mayoral authority. It reflects his commitment to upholding the city's reputation as a maritime powerhouse while embracing the regality that comes with his role as mayor. His appointment to the Admiralty of Valo is only a matter of time and he has no qualms with sharing this with… everyone.
Current Location
Sea Green
Short, Dark Brown, Styled
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 3"
180 lbs
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations