
Society -  The Kingdom of Valo is as well known for its extravagance. As an ambitious and wealthy nation, Valo has been able to exert power across large swathes of Pallidon via their military and commerce. These flourished greatly under Queen Amaya Valorim III’s rule, inspiring a current cultural renaissance in the Kingdom. Her public support for the University of the Light has enabled it to become one of the most prestigious educational institutions in Dayne, attracting nobles from Alteria and the Frozen Sands. Similarly, her support for the arts has enabled them to flourish in all Valo.   The Cheance is in constant “play” throughout the Kingdom of Valo. Every social and political move is calculated in order to achieve more power and better standing. There is a slight degree of permissiveness towards immoral or illegal acts in Valo, provided the unspoken rule is followed: it is only a crime if you are caught. Even the law can turn a benevolent if not blind eye; an commoner in Valo could earn himself a wink and a grin for a crime that would earn them a year in a dungeon Kerak or the Frozen Sands. Appearance is a major factor in everything within Valo, and society reflects this through fashion, makeup, art, architecture, food, and the many social scenes. It is said that to have the appearance of wealth and power is as important that actually being wealthy and powerful.   Cities within Valo attract artists from across Dayne to seek employers and contracts, but is also home to internal talents as well. Son of Queen Amaya Valorim III, and an artist in his own right, Prince Venius Valorim is known for his works. He works diligently with models throughout the process of creating a sculpture, often celebrated dancers, performers, and athletes. Prince Venius draws and sculpts his subjects over and over, often requiring models to repeat a specific dance move or spontaneous gesture. This may include small, quick sketches or "maquette" in an oil-base plasticine clay. Using the "lost wax" method, he then cast the works of art into bronze. Using an artist method of patina, the Prince alters the surface color of the final composition. The completed patinated bronze is affixed to a marble base, also designed and selected by the artist as part of the overall sculptural composition.   Valo theatre makes use of ceramic masks to denote character and roles, with the mask's shape and color denoting the character's status and importance to the plot. Plays cover a variety of genres and topics ranging from the historical to current social scandals. Valo also has a tradition of puppet theater. The puppets involved can be so complex as to need five puppeteers to work them. Simple shadow puppets made of wood and paper —some more fancifully made of teak— have risen in popularity at smaller parties and salons in the Kingdom. They are often enhanced with the use of colored glass lanterns and musical accompaniment.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Valo)

Industry & Trade

Imports Seeds, various stone, weaponry, lumber, and foodstuffs.   Exports Seafood, pearls, sweetgrass weave, oils, and whalebone.   Trade and Commerce The central trade of Luxport rotates around seafood. Its public market was established decades ago to fulfill this requirement. Establishing stone “low buildings”—sheds—that stretch from the Underborough to the waterfront at Basilisk Wharf. These sheds originally housed meat, vegetable, and fish vendors; each booth rents for 3 silver per day, or a gold if the booth has a slab of marble used to keep the meat or fish cold. Butchers often throw meat scraps into the street, much to the delight of local buzzards, which were nicknamed Luxport Eagles. Over the years, the sheds have survived many disasters, including fires, tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and bombardment.   Luxport is considered to be a major focal point for maritime trade for the entire continent of Pallidon. It is a nexus for incoming merchants and much of the revenue gained is via customs enforcement and trade tax imposed. Luxport is considered to be a major power in Valo’s economy, especially in the maritime field. As such, industries catering to naval vessels and merchanting fleets have established offices throughout the port city.


  • Evershade District
  • The Underborough
  • Lavendar Ward

Guilds and Factions

Lightkeepers Guild - Comprised of skilled individuals known as Illuminators, the guild's primary mission is to safeguard sailors and merchants leaving or entering port cities. These Illuminators are adept at manipulating and channeling light energies, utilizing enchanted artifacts, and mastering ancient spells to keep harbor and its entrance well lit. Renowned for their commitment to maintaining the city's several lighthouses, members of the Lightkeepers Guild are highly respected by the citizens of Eastlight. Having expanded out from Eastlight, they are now becoming established in other port cities such as Luxport. Beyond their standard duties, the Lightkeepers Guild also plays a pivotal role in nurturing the arcane arts. The guild conducts rigorous training programs for aspiring Illuminators, imparting the secrets of light manipulation and mystical knowledge. Illuminators often engage in scholarly pursuits, delving into ancient texts and collaborating with other magical academies to further expand their understanding of mystical arts.


Situated strategically along the eastern coast of Pallidon, this bustling port city is critical to the kingdom's economic prowess and naval strength. Well-defended by formidable fortifications and a vigilant naval force, Luxport ensures the safety of its maritime routes in the Arin Sea. Luxport is one of the most active port cities in the entire world of Dayne.   The city's skyline is adorned with numerous watchtowers, known as “The Pikes”, that overlook the expanse of the Arin Sea. The Docks, the heart of Luxport, buzz with activity as countless vessels, from sleek elven ships, dwarven dreadnaughts, to sturdy human galleons, navigate the harbor's intricate network. The air is filled with the sounds of maritime life — the creaking of ship hulls, the unfurling of sails, and the distant calls of seafaring folk.   Luxport's marketplace is a frenetic place. The Basilisk Wharf and Market Hall have constant foot traffic moving through them. Sailors and merchants, often with little time available to them on shore, move through the sheds and booths purchasing what they need before they get underway. The Battery Road, an a scenic road adorned with maritime symbols, is where diplomats, naval leaders, and traders converge to discuss alliances, negotiate agreements, and often celebrate successful deals and voyages.

Points of interest

Basilisk Wharf – The sturdy stone and timber wharf is a major hub of activity in Luxport. Many seafood vendors are established here and a favorite spot for visitors and residents alike to enjoy a meal or pick up the best ingredients. A detailed statue of a basilisk stands at the end of the wharf, face out toward the Bay of Sorrows. Many residents consider this statue a good luck charm and vendors make it a point to meticulously maintain the statue.   Battery Road – This landmark was part of a defensive seawall and promenade in northwest Luxport and is famous for its stately manors and barracks. Named for a coastal defense artillery battery that once stood at the site, it stretches along the lower shores of the Luxport peninsula, bordered by the Argia Bay and Bay of Sorrows.   Market Hall - The current Market Hall was erected several years ago to be a central point for customs enforcement and tax collection for those entering the Kingdom of Valo’s borders. Architect Fenius Brickwell III was paid 30 gold to create the building’s blueprints, which incorporates architecture consistent with northern Valorium cities. The resulting handsome structure is now used by the Market Commissioners for meetings and social functions, while the space beneath the hall housed vendors. The original sheds and surrounding neighborhood have housed many small and unique shops. Of special note are the more than 20 sweetgrass basket weavers who carry forth a special Luxport tradition.


Located in the northeastern region of the Kingdom of Valo, within the central portion of Pallidon. It is on a peninsula with the Bay of Sorrows to the north and the Argia Bay to the South.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed – Mostly human, sylvanborn, and dwarves.
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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