
Society Compared to the majority of dwarven society in the Blue Mountains, the dwarves of Dom’Azgal enjoy a relatively cosmopolitan lifestyle. They tend to be less dour and introverted than others within the Blue Mountains. Not only is it one of the few strongholds that has remained consistently open to traders from other nations, but the residents of Dom’Azgal are renowned for their hospitality. It is said that breakfast is a feast large enough to fill the belly of even the hungriest Hobling! When traders of every realm, from Pallidon to other parts of Alteria, gather together within the city, they know that they can expect the legendary hospitality of the people to refresh them on their arrival.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Carn Mirdain)

Industry & Trade

IMPORTS Livestock, spices, glass, and timber   EXPORTS Various metal ores, coal, precious/semi-precious stones, weapons, armor   TRADE AND COMMERCE Within the city are many highly regarded establishments providing fare as diverse and impressive as any city in the shard. Dom’Azgal is a major trading centre, where bargains are made between merchants from many places within the mistshard. This is reflected in the market area of the city where a visitor can buy anything, from fine silks to exotic statues, and from Biata-mixed spices to fertility charms from the Kingdom of Valo. Dom’Azgal is a great trade centre, not just with the other dwarven settlements but also with the wider shard, and as such is one of the most open, cosmopolitan dwarf cities. Traders from across the entire mistshard bring goods from every realm, including the Dabu Greenlands, Frozen Sands, Kerak, Utara, and even exotic items from the Spellscar and Dead Pinsula.   After a lifetime surrounded by commerce and trade, most residents here are acknowledged as stony-faced experts at haggling a good price, and has the contacts to obtain the rarest of goods.

Guilds and Factions

Sea Engineers Guild (SEG) - Is one of the most important, powerful and secretive of all the Craftsmen Guilds of the Blue Mountain dwarves, whose purpose is in providing the Kingdom of Carn Mirdain with the latest in a long-line of technological advancements and magnificent machinery. It regularly teaches new and would-be Engineers on the basic's on mathematics and standard engineering. Most of their inventions are practical: pump to clear water from mine workings, engines to draw steel cages up vertical shafts and drilling devices to penetrate solid stone. Since their beginning, the SEG has also developed machines for battle, war engines to wreak havoc upon their foes. Despite many technological breakthroughs, it is a conservative guild, believing proven methods are best. Innovation is frowned upon, and apprentices are taught that, ‘new ideas lead to trouble’.


The City of Dom’Azgal is small in comparison to the strongholds that tunnel deep into the Blue Mountains. The massive city is home to the Carn Mirdain Navy and is the commerce center for the dwarven kingdom. While many Dwarfs have a strong dislike of water, the dwarven residents of Dom’Azgal are unusual in that many of them become sailors. Even so, they still do not relish setting foot on the flimsy wooden ships, especially those used by the other lineages of Dayne. Instead, they put their confidence in huge iron vessels driven by paddles and powered by powerful magic construction. These devices are located deep within heavily armored hulls, the arcane secrets of which are kept by the Sea Engineers Guild.   Tunneled from within the Blue Mountains, the city stronghold is nearly impervious to attack by land forces. All that have ever tried to assault the city by sea in the past have become subject to the immense firepower of the Carn Mirdain fleet. Combined with the many weapon emplacements from revetments along the cliff face, an enemy fleet would have to be very brave to approach the stronghold.

Points of interest

Narison's Forge - A large blacksmith's workshop, built around a volcanic fissure filled with flames.   The Coliseum - A large oval amphitheatre, designed to host all types of competitions.   The Old Sage - A heroic commoner's tavern, built atop an outcrop of quartz crystal.   The Athenaeum of the Elemental Arts - A venerable school of scholars and spellswords, built within a ring of ancient stone monoliths.


Dom’Azgal is situated in the northern region of Alteria, being the lone dwarven city with access to the Calle Ocean. The city is located in the eastern portion of the Blue Mountains and is north of the Spellscar. It normally maintains cooler temperatures throughout the year.
Alternative Name(s)
The East Gate
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed lineages - Majority Dwarf, Hobling, and Biata
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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