Anihm Battlehorn

Dwarf, Lord of Dom’Azgal -  Anihm was born into the Battlehorn clan some nearly two centuries ago, the younger of two brothers. The Dwarfs of Dom’Azgal were less dour, more outgoing and friendlier to most lineages and Anihm was no exception. He spent time with the Sea Engineers, learning the art of building iron ships, and had many friends amongst the merchants and navigators. He might have spent his whole life there, had it not been for his noble responsibilities.   Tragedy struck him at a relatively young age. His father and brother were at sea on a trade expedition to the south when they were attacked by a fleet of Corsairs. Their vessel was sunk and many of the survivors were eaten by an ancient sea creatures of massive proportion. When Anihm heard the grim news he abandoned his old life, swearing an oath to kill the monster at all costs.   The quest of Byrn occupied 2 years of his life and the noble Lord did not step foot on land over that time. He searched along the easter Alteria Coasts, past the Spellscar and down to Dead Peninsula. He dared the North Calle storms and finally finding the sea serpent Ley in a bay off the Ruins of Karmadazan. As the creature wrapped itself around the ship and started to crush it in its coils, Anihm leapt upon the beast. The Lord’s rage engulfed him and he willingly plunged into the gaping maw and started to cut the beast apart from the inside out. The serpent thrashed in pain, diving below the surface, writhing and twisting, but nothing could dislodge the vengeful dward. Blow by blow, he hacked his way out, severing thigh-thick arteries and hewing thick, scaly skin. The crew of his vessel watched the sea froth crimson and boil with the death throes of the serpent, fearful for their leader. Their despair turned to joy as Anihm broke the surface, gasping for breath, his axe held high in triumph.   Upon his return to Dom’Azgal, he was acclaimed by the populace. Few had believed that he would be able to fulfil his oath and it was with great pride that they hailed him as the Lord of Dom’Azgal.   He is known for maintaining traditional dwarven values in the face of an ever-changing world and during his reign he has done his best to maintain strong links with the dwarf Lords within the Blue Mountains.
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