Draylen Bounjorno

Selunari, Mayor - As a Selunari with a high-energy flair, he exudes an air of charm that draws people in. Known for his boisterous nature and social prowess, Draylen is a natural entertainer and an expert in the art of hospitality. When newcomers arrive in Porthold, they are immediately greeted by the larger-than-life presence of Mayor Draylen. His voice carries with it a vibrant energy as he welcomes them with a resounding and theatrical greeting. He revels in the joy of meeting new individuals, and his warm personality instantly puts others at ease. Draylen possesses a gift for dramatic storytelling, often embellishing his tales with grand flourishes and expressive hand movements. Whether recounting legends of the sea or sharing anecdotes about the town's history, his animated gestures and passionate delivery captivate his audience, transporting them into the realm of imagination and adventure.   Despite his theatrical nature, Draylen's passion for the town and its residents shines through. He takes his responsibilities as mayor seriously, advocating for the needs of Porthold and ensuring that its citizens are well-cared for. His gregarious nature allows him to connect with people from all walks of life, making him approachable and relatable to both the adventurers passing through and the permanent residents. Under Draylen's leadership, Porthold thrives as a community that embraces diversity, creativity, and a sense of adventure. His magnetic personality and infectious enthusiasm inspire others to embrace their own unique qualities and pursue their passions fearlessly.
Current Location
6' 1"
230 Lbs.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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