
Society The town embraces a culture of living life to its fullest potential, fostering a strong sense of community among its residents. Adventurers, military members, scholars, and locals coexist seamlessly, sharing stories of their exploits and celebrating those achievements loudly over a drink or meal. Mutual respect and entertainment are deeply ingrained in the fabric of Portold's society, creating a welcoming environment where individuals from all walks of life can find acceptance. This tight-knit community actively encourages the pursuit of knowledge, with regular gatherings, debates, and exchanges of ideas, creating an intellectual hub that fuels innovation and intellectual growth. With any debate, the occasional fight does pop up in town. This is usually a non-deadly circumstance and the residents are quick to stop a prolonged fight. People gather in large groups and the weekly farmers market is widely celebrated meeting.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Kerak)

Industry & Trade

The town's strategic location as one of the last stops before venturing into the Arin Sea ensures a constant flow of sailors and traders seeking essential supplies and amenities. The Southy Docks teem with activity as ships of various sizes, from modest fishing vessels to grand merchant galleons, dock and unload their cargo. The town's reputation as a pub-town further bolsters its commerce, with many taverns, bars, and restaurants catering to the desires of adventurous patrons, who eagerly partake in feasts, revelries, and libations. Porthold's trade and commerce flourish, creating a thriving local economy and ensuring its status as a well-equipped and prosperous hub within the kingdom. A loose adventurers economy is utilized in town and at select shops, where services or recovered items are sold or auctioned for usually fair prices to those who participated in the job or quest.


  • Southy Docks
  • Boardwalk Row

Guilds and Factions

Ironwood Adventurers Academy - Is a renowned institution that provides training and education for aspiring adventurers. It is a well-respected organization that is known throughout the kingdom for producing some of the most skilled and capable adventurers around. The academy operates out of a central headquarters in the Kingdom of Kerak, but it also has several outposts throughout the kingdom, including one in the remote pub town of Portold. The academy is staffed by experienced adventurers who serve as instructors and mentors for the students. These instructors are skilled in a wide variety of areas, including combat, survival, magic, and diplomacy, and they provide hands-on training and instruction to help the students develop their skills. The curriculum at the academy covers a wide range of subjects, from basic survival skills to advanced combat techniques. Students are taught how to navigate dangerous environments, how to identify and deal with magical threats, and how to work effectively in teams. Graduates of the Ironwood Adventurers Academy are highly sought after by employers throughout the kingdom, including noble houses, guilds, and private citizens. Many go on to have long and illustrious careers as adventurers, while others use their skills to pursue other careers, such as serving as scouts, bodyguards, or diplomats.


Portold, a charming fantasy village town nestled on the southern beaches of East Jalkan Island, is a vibrant and bustling hub within the Kingdom of Kerak. With its unique location and diverse offerings, Porthold has become a favored destination for adventurers, military members, and seafarers alike. The town is centered around a lively boardwalk that stretches along the coast, running from east to west. This Boardwalk serves as the main thoroughfare, lined with shops, lively bars, and many eateries. The atmosphere is lively and convivial, with locals and visitors mingling, sharing tales of their exploits common to a life of adventure. Portold is particularly renowned for its affordable bars, restaurants, and breweries, which cater to the tastes and preferences of the adventurous clientele. Patrons can savor a wide range of exotic drinks, indulge in hearty meals, and sample the local brews, brewed with care and expertise by skilled brewers. The town's reputation as a pub-town is well-deserved, as it boasts a plethora of options that cater to every palate and preference. One of the highlights of Porthold is the presence of the esteemed Ironwood Adventurers Academy. The academy has established a chapter in the town, focusing on maritime and alchemical studies. Aspiring adventurers and scholars flock to this institution to learn the intricacies of navigating the treacherous waters of the Arin Sea and delve into the secrets of alchemy. The academy brings a constant influx of eager minds, adding to the intellectual vibrancy of the town. Porthold's Southy Docks serve as a testament to its significance as a maritime hub. This sturdy and well-maintained docking area accommodates a wide range of vessels, from humble fishing boats to grand merchant galleons. Sailors and traders stop at Porthold before venturing out into the vast expanse of the Arin Sea, replenishing their supplies and stocking up on provisions. The town benefits greatly from this bustling trade, making it one of the wealthiest and most well-equipped pub-towns within the Kingdom of Kerak.

Points of interest

The Nibble Fish Tavern – Visitors who enter this beachfront tavern realize that nearly the whole floor is lowered and covered in a pool of water about a foot deep. A sign on the door says, "No shoes!" Ornate shoe racks are set next to the door. For those that take their boots off and step inside, they will notice there are tiny colorful fish swimming around and nibbling the dead skin off your feet. The residents of Porthold will brag that there is nothing like a free foot pedicure whilst you enjoy a good drink!   The Boardwalk - The Boardwalk is the towns core. With its 4 miles, this waterfront is located directly on the coast. The Boardwalk is the preferred place for art lovers, with many stores specific to the arts line the walkway, while eateries provide sustenance for all ages. Visitors can spend a lazy day on the nearby beach or visit the connected Southy Pier. During the winter, Boardwalk Hall and House of Drums is the place to go to enjoy music and sporting events.


The small village of Portold is situated in the southwestern region of Alteria as part of an archipelago, within the Kingdom of Kerak. The town is located at the bottom of Crownsmen Bay on the southern portion of the main island that shares its namesake. The main island has a land area of 2,600 sq mi and a coastline estimated at 600 mi. The island is predominantly mountainous and hilly, with the major exception being the depressed plains of Lissale (a peninsula forming the southern part of East Jalkan). The Jalkan Islands consists of continental crust fragments resulting from the break-up of Alteria.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed – Mostly humans, elves, and dwarves.
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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