

Legends tell of Master Miner Durik Boldshaper and his family that lived in the northeastern portion of the Blue Mountain ranges interior. When their halls came under attack by chaos-mad drakes, his father Amar I and younger brother Endorin were both slain at their gates by several of these dangerous beasts, and Durik inherited his namesakes House. He and his youngest brother Onus resolved to find a way to bring prosperity to all dwarven folk ravaged by the drake invasion. Durik led a small portion of his house to an unclaimed portion of the Blue Mountains and forged a continuation of the Mithril Roads. Onus led the other portion of his folk further east to the Iron Hills where he founded the Blue Fortress, a massive defensive structure within the Roads. Under Durik’s leadership, he was able to find a opening and establish The North Gate, with the settlement established outside the massive gate taking on a variation of his name.


The dwarven society in the settlement is made of some of the best warriors, scholars, miners, and craftsmen the Kingdom of Carn Mirdain has to offer. The town is geared toward profit, but keeps entertainment at the forefront of who they are. It is not uncommon to see several passed out residents on the streets after a good time at one of the local tavern or eatiers. There is a slight undertone of gold lust and some residents have a reputation of having committed their share of rash and greedy acts. Most residents of the town have generally lived far from the sea and avoided getting on boats, as they dislike the sound of the ocean or massive lakes. While they wont say they are afraid of the ocean, there is a healthy respect for sea-faring individuals when they visit the town.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Carn Mirdain)

Industry & Trade

Imports Timber, medicine, glass, and parchment   Exports Various metal ores, coal, precious/semi-precious stones, weapons, armor   Trade and Commerce Durik’Amar is situatiated near many prosperous mines and resources. Many residents are considered unrivalled in arts such as smithing, crafting, metalworking, and masonry. The Boldshaper dwarves are among the greatest miners ever to exist in Dayne, building immense halls, roads, and battlements under mountains. They have built many famed halls and structures, both within the mountains and abroad. Adventurers often seek out the master smiths, armorers, and other crafters who have wrought great works. The Sword Road is lined with several forges and shops geared toward master crafted weapons. The marvelous skill with metals and with stone is readily apparent for those who enter the town, as the massive North Gate of the Mithril Road looms in the background.   Durik’Amar is known to produce capable masons and smiths, if those people are willing to invest a good deal of time on the Sword Road. Many famed weapons, armors, and items of art and beauty, can be traced to the town. Among them is the Dragon-helm of Versay, and Axe of Bramus.


The realm of Durik’Amar was founded several centuries ago with the establishment of the dwarves in the Blue Mountains. They soon met the Elves of the Northern Wood and established a trading relationship with them. For many centuries, the trade relations grew strong and the Dwarves of Durik’Amar were employed by Thado Coldward, the King of Gnollengrom and helped in the delving of the caves within the Mountains. The creation of treasuries and weapons were made an important mandate in the Mithril Roads (the underground road system built by the dwarves). The Dwarves trafficked along a long road that ran from Durik’Amar to Salum’Dre to the south and then Eir’Melia to the north.   While initially friendly to the Elves of Northern Wood, the dwarves of Durik’Amar became greedy with their influx of trade and attempted to “strongarm” trade with the surrounding settlements. This caused a good deal of tension and strife, to the point that a large armed force was raised of various factions with the goal to sack the town after the departure of Kyssa Madmail and her protective constructs. In the end, cooler heads prevailed thanks to the help of a unrecorded group of adventurers who was able to broker a peace and avert a largescale conflict.

Points of interest

Sword Road – Multiple large forges, blacksmiths, and weapon shops both side of this long road. The quality of work at every shop is impressive and theft on the road is a lethal affair, if attempted…   The Broken Fang - A fanciful adventurer's tavern, decorated with dungeon doors.   Gunnli's Armor and Shields - The workshop of a male dwarf armorer named Gunnli Warbrow, known for inscribing mysterious runes upon every armor he makes.   Ukhlan's Blades - The workshop of a male dwarf weaponsmith named Ukhlan Keensteel, who was once an adventurer, but retired after several of his companions were slain in a undercrypt.


Durik’Amar is situated in the northeastern region of Alteria, being the lone exterior town on the slopes of the Blue Mountains. The town is located in the northwestern portion of the massive mountain range and is northwest of Gnollengrom. The Hightower River is located immediately west of the town.
Alternative Name(s)
The North Gate
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed - Majority Dwarf, Human, and Elf
Owning Organization


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