Durik Boldshaper

Durik Boldshaper and his family that lived in the northeastern portion of the Blue Mountain ranges interior. A Master-level Miner in his early life, he quickly adapted to combat with the many enemies contained within the Blue Mountains made themselves known. When their halls came under attack by chaos-mad drakes, his father Amar I and younger brother Endorin were both slain at their homes by several of these dangerous beasts, Durik inherited his namesakes House. He and his youngest brother Onus resolved to find a way to bring prosperity to all dwarven folk ravaged by the drake invasion. Durik led a small portion of his house to an unclaimed portion of the Blue Mountains and forged a continuation of the Mithril Roads. Onus led the other portion of his folk further east to the Iron Hills where he founded the Blue Fortress, a massive defensive structure within the Roads.   Under Durik’s leadership, he was able to find an opening and establish The North Gate, with the settlement established outside the massive gate taking on a variation of his name. He was the original mayor of the town and his early proclamations made the small settlement a fledgling outpost in a remote place. His even demeanor and professional speech helped to open trade relations with dwarves to the north.
Circumstances of Death
Natural Causes
Place of Death
Long Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned and Weathered
4' 5"
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements


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