
Capital of the Mountain Kingdom of Carn Mirdain



  Gnollengrom, which in the Ancient Dwarven tongue means "The Deepdark" or "The Deepdark Mountain Realm", is the great capital of Carn Mirdain in the Northern Continent of Alteria. According to legend, the first Dwarves stumbled an Ancient Copper Dragon in the Mountains. They woke the Massive Wyrm and with its breath they exhaled a great storm of Fire and Rock, melting the mountain face beyond them before taking off in flight. The Dragons Breath created a massive cavern in the mountain that the Dwarves continued to dig and use as what is the entrance to Gnollengrom today.



Important People

  King Moori Runehammer, Dwarf, Ruling King of Carn Mirdain

Industry & Trade

Imports Spirits, Wood, Silks, Leathers   Exports Weapons, Armor, Stone, Mining, Precious Jewels, Fine Metals, Spirts   Gnollengrom's entrance lays along a major trade route in Alteria. Connecting Castle Kerak in the south and Asta'lendi in The Northern Wood. Heading up trade in Gnollengrom is Clan Goldbeard. The economies of Gnollengrom are some of the biggest and most productive in Dayne. In terms of creating relatively simple crafts such as weapons, armor, arrows, The Order of Anvil is vast and plentiful within the Kingdom. Brewers, Alchemists, Scribes and Tinkerers are not as high in number but still can be found within the Kingdoms many trade districts.   The mining sector primarily deals in copper, iron, adamantine, tin, and gold. Copper and iron are primarily internal resources, vital for producing bronze, and mostly purchased by The Order of Anvil for weapons and armor projects. Gold mostly goes into the hands of The Paragon for the production of fine jewelry and decrotive pieces for people of high standing. Adamantine and tin is primarily exported, though a significant amount is used internally to build the arches and pillars that are pivitol in the ever expanding subterranean Kingdom of Carn Mirdain. Gnollengrom also has significant access to high-quality stone, particularly granite, limestone, marble, and basalt, and their ability to extract this stone has been refined to a cutting edge, making techniques that are ultimately simple enough for a commoner to pick up and learn, but effective enough to make stone exports a major source of income.

Guilds and Factions

Dwarf society is predicated on Guilds and Factions. Of the numerous Dwarf clans that inhabit the city, many of them will be expert craftsmen in some field and thus belong to the guilds associated with their given profession. Of all the guilds, it is the craft guilds that are the most highly respected and who enjoy a high pecking order in dwarven hierarchy. Blacksmiths, brewmasters, weaponsmiths, armorers, jewelsmiths, stonemasons, miners and engineers are some of the most esteemed. Each guild will set out the standards and practices that are to be followed by an initiate of the guild. Apprentices are taken on in varying frequency according to the craft being undertaken. A jewelsmith apprentices are much rarer than that of weaponsmiths, for instance. Through journeyman and eventually to master, a dwarf will learn and become an expert in his trade.
  The Paragon The great Jewelsmith guild is among the most highly competitive of all the Dwarf guilds. Their workmanship with gold, silver, platinum, and gemstones is without peer in the world. The intricate designs of the most skilled jewelsmiths are exquisite. The demand for Paragon jewelry has made it exceedingly expensive, and talented jewelsmiths can become incredibly wealthy.
  The Order of Anvil Not surprisingly, the Armourers and Weaponsmiths are one of the larger groups in Gnollengrom society. Their renowned skill has resulted in a demand for their services across the Dayne, and The Order of the Anvil is among the best.
  The Green Dragon Brewing Company Brewers take great pride in the potency and flavour of their Drinks, and as is thier slogan, It is "The only brew for the brave and true." Dating back to the Age Of Genesis, The Green Dragon Brewing Company is one of the oldest standing guilds, and thier popularity is renown throughout Dayne.
  Blue Mountain Mining Operated by Clan Ironelm of Gnollengrom, BMM has extensive operations throughout The Blue Mountains. They specialize in extremely rare metals and jewels and thier knowledge of such is extensive.
  Blackstone Defense Company Armored and Agressive, Blackstone is renowned for carrying out tasks that other said couldnt be done. This Adventurer/Mercenary Compnay is based out of Gnollengrom but operates all over Continent of Alteria specifically.


There were eight original clans that settled Carn Mirdain. These nine families have expanded to the most powerful clans of the city and surrounding region.  
  • Clan Runehammer
  • Clan Gissumri
  • Clan Dormir
  • Clan Goldbeard
  • Clan Duergar
  • Clan Barakuir
  • Clan Shadowwyrm
  • Clan Ironhelm
  When Gnollengrom was initially formed, it was controlled by a council composed of the Elders of each of these eight clans. However, about four centuries ago, the worship of Qarthanox, The great White Dragon, began to increase in the city, largely spread by Clan Duergar and Clan Shadowwyrm. A fierce civil war named "The War of Madness" broke out in 207 AA and the city was absolutely fragmented. Followers of the Ancient Great White Wyrm of Madness were expelled and were rumored to have set up a new fortress in the northwestern Blue mountains, in a city they named "Karag Zar", meaning The White Hold.   During the civil war, the Runehammer clan took control of the city of Gnollengrom and led the defense against the followers of Qarthanox, The Arn Belgond. For the next two hundred years, war raged in the Blue Mountains. Entire generations of Dwarven families were wiped from Dayne. Friends became Enemies, Families were split and the Propseritiy the Dwarves had seen for 500 years, had all but fallen. The civil war may of ended, but what was lost in that 200 years, would never be replaced. The Runehammer family has ruled as Mountain King ever since, imposing some order and control over the Kingdom of Carn Mirdain. There is still a council of elders who advises the Mountain King and presides of much of the law-making and Kingdom decsions. Many of the old clans still hold much power, such as Clan Ironelm who controls much of the mining and prospecting in the Blue Mountain’s mines, and Clan Goldbeard who control vast trade networks. However, some of the original clans, that joined in the wrong side of the civil war, have lost much station over the years since, such as the Dormir Clan who’s name carries little weight these days along with the Duergars and Shadowwryrms.


The main entrance to Gnollengrom sits at the Southwest region of The Blue Mountains. Gnollengrom is a massive subterranean stronghold under a vast majority of The Blue Mountains. All Kingdom of Carn Mirdain cities are interconnected under the mountain range, but without knowing the way, it would be nearly impossible to navigate the Underdark.
Alternative Name(s)
The Dwarven Realm, The Sunless City, Deepdark City
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed, Majority Dwarven. Small amount of Human, Oathsworn, and Hobling.
Location under
Owning Organization


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