
SOCIETY The society in Hanover is an engaging community, characterized by a shared passion for maritime engineering and magical innovation. Students, faculty, and staff foster a strong sense of community, creating an inclusive and supportive environment. Academic excellence is highly valued, with a rigorous curriculum in engineering principles and magical arts. Student organizations cater to diverse interests, such as the Magical Propulsion Society, Ship Design Guild, and Elemental Manipulation Club. Research and innovation are encouraged, with well-equipped facilities and opportunities for students to pursue their own projects. Annual events, including ship design exhibitions and engineering symposiums, celebrate achievements and facilitate knowledge exchange. Mentorship programs provide guidance from experienced faculty and alumni, while an extensive alumni network strengthens connections and career opportunities.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Kerak)

Industry & Trade

The location on the north end of the East Jalkan Island makes it a strategic hub for maritime activities. The settlments residents and local students are renowned for their expertise in shipbuilding and magical enhancements, fuel the local economy with their skills. The settlments port, attracting merchants, traders, and seafarers from afar. The docks are lined with magnificent vessels, crafted by the engineers of the league, renowned for their exceptional performance and magical capabilities. These ships become highly sought after, commanding a premium price in the market. The league's graduates find lucrative employment opportunities, working as shipbuilders, consultants, or designers, fueling a thriving maritime industry. The island flourishes as a trading center, with merchants importing and exporting goods on the League's advanced vessels, benefitting from their speed, durability, and efficiency. The commerce of the Naval Engineers League of Hanover not only supports the local economy but also extends its influence throughout the realm, as the ships designed and built on the island become a symbol of excellence and innovation in maritime trade.


  • Gate Docks
  • Compass Ward
  • Boatswain Borough
  • Naval Engineers League of Hanover Campus Grounds

Guilds and Factions

The Naval Engineers League - Aspiring naval engineers from far and wide come to this illustrious school to learn and hone their skills in ship design and construction. The league has played a pivotal role in shaping the advancements of sailing technology throughout the ages. What sets the engineers of the Naval Engineers League of Kerak apart is their unique incorporation of magical elements into their ship designs. Combining their technical expertise with the knowledge of mystical forces, these engineers have revolutionized maritime technology. By harnessing the power of magic, they have crafted ships that possess extraordinary capabilities, making them formidable on the seas.   One of the key features of the engineers' designs is the integration of magical enchantments into the structural framework of their vessels. These enchantments enhance the ships' durability, allowing them to withstand harsh weather conditions and resist the wear and tear of extended voyages. The enchanted hulls are not only resilient but also exhibit enhanced maneuverability, enabling the ships to navigate treacherous waters with ease. Moreover, the engineers of the Naval Engineers League have developed innovative propulsion systems that utilize magical energy. These enchanted propulsion mechanisms provide superior speed and efficiency, propelling the ships swiftly through the water and granting them an edge in naval warfare or long-distance voyages. The combination of traditional engineering principles with magical enhancements has made their ships the envy of seafarers across the realm. The engineers also delve into the realm of elemental magic, incorporating spells and rituals that allow the ships to harness the power of wind and water. By manipulating these elemental forces, the ships can harness strong gusts of wind or create currents that propel them forward, further augmenting their speed and agility. These magical enhancements not only improve the overall performance of the vessels but also contribute to reducing their reliance on conventional sources of energy.   Within the league, students are mentored by seasoned maritime engineers and expert magic practitioners who possess a deep understanding of both the technical and mystical aspects of shipbuilding. The curriculum encompasses a wide range of subjects, including naval architecture, materials science, enchantment theory, elemental manipulation, and the study of historical maritime achievements. The students are encouraged to explore innovative ideas and push the boundaries of what is possible in ship design, fostering a culture of creativity and discovery. Graduates of the Naval Engineers League of Kerak go on to make significant contributions to the maritime industry, working as shipbuilders, designers, consultants, and leaders in naval expeditions. Their expertise in blending engineering principles with magical elements continues to shape the evolution of sailing technology, solidifying the league's reputation as a prestigious institution and a driving force behind the advancements of Kerak’s naval prowess.


The original colonial settlement that would later become the village was founded by Kerak explorers in the late 3rd century. The town of Hanover itself was officially incorporated in 387 AA. During the first half of the 5th century, it was one of Dayne’s most important whaling ports. After this practice fell out of favor with most nations, with the exception of Mountbatten, the focus of the area became more educational. In 502 AA, the Naval Engineers League of Hanover was built and established alongside the small settlement. At its economic height during this period, Hanover was one of wealthiest city in Alteria, per capita. With the influx of many prestigious educators, the Naval Engineers League of Hanover was also a center of abolitionism at this time. The settlement attracted many freed or escaped Mountbatten slaves. Were it not for the substantial presence of the Royal Kerak Navy in Crownsmen Bay, the school and settlement would have been laid to waste. In part to their public speaking on the matter, toward the end of 615 AA, a large Mountbatten invasion fleet set sail for the town to arrest its defamation against their kingdom’s practices. This led to a tense stalemate at sea, which saw both the navies turn away from an engagement. Many believe this even was the early seed for the War of Freedom, which would begin the next year.   The town was a primary objective for the Battenmore’s military might. It was subjected to naval attack on more than one occasion during the war and was the target of multiple sabotage attempts by Battenmore agents. Luckily, the Naval Engineers League internal security was able to supplement the now massive military buildup in the area to stop these threats from producing any serious damage. At the end of the war, this became a favored spot for Naval officers to develop their education and maritime skills.

Points of interest

Naval Engineers League of Hanover Campus – This massive campus complex is focused on maritime-related fields. It was established in 502 AA and is the second oldest maritime academy in Kerak. Originally established to graduate deck and engineering officers for the Royal Kerak Navy, the school has since expanded its curriculum. Though not required, some graduates go on to serve in active and reserve components of the Royal Navy. The academy operates a training ship, the RKS Shrike.   The Tavern of the Eternal Round - A grand dwarven tavern, known for a magical wall upon which are always exactly 86 bottles of ale. The tavern is named for a simple song about the wall sung by its patrons, which has been going more-or-less continuously for the last century.   The Titan of Hanover - A bronze statue of Muriel, the explorer who founded the original settlement of Hanover. A salute to the statue when entering and leaving port is said to bring good luck to those who complete this simple act.


The Town of Hanover is situated in the southwestern region of Alteria as part of an archipelago, within the Kingdom of Kerak. The town is located at the bottom of Crownsmen Bay on the north portion of the main island. The main island has a land area of 2,600 sq mi and a coastline estimated at 600 mi. The island is predominantly mountainous and hilly, with the major exception being the depressed plains of Lissale (a peninsula forming the southern part of East Jalkan). The Jalkan Islands consists of continental crust fragments resulting from the break-up of Alteria.


Hanover has a slightly cooler than normal version of a humid subtropical climate that in many aspects resembles a humid continental one, but with slightly milder winters. In spite of being influenced by continental winds with large differences between seasons, temperatures are somewhat moderated compared to areas further inland. There is high precipitation year-round, with winter being split between rainfall and snowfall.
Founding Date
387 AA
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed – Mostly Human, Stone Elves, and Dwarves
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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