
Sylvanborn, Governor/Master Engineer - Umabel, a remarkable individual of Sylvanborn lineage, holds the esteemed position of Governor and Master Engineer of Hanover. Possessing a keen intellect and insatiable curiosity, Umabel is known as a voracious learner, perpetually seeking knowledge and engaging in educational discussions with anyone willing to partake. With a passion for exploration and discovery, Umabel embodies the spirit of a lifelong student. In addition to her love for learning, Umabel's exceptional organizational skills and administrative prowess make her an outstanding leader. As the Governor of Hanover, she effectively manages the town's affairs, ensuring the smooth functioning of its infrastructure, economy, and governance. Her keen eye for detail and meticulous planning enable her to maintain a harmonious and prosperous community.   Furthermore, Umabel's role as Master Engineer of the Naval Engineers League highlights her expertise in the field of maritime engineering. With an innate understanding of shipbuilding and magical integration, she plays a pivotal role in shaping the direction of the league. Umabel's visionary thinking and innovative ideas drive the advancements of ship designs and educational programs, ensuring that the league remains at the forefront of maritime engineering. Umabel's affable nature and genuine enthusiasm for her work make her a beloved figure in Hanover and within the league. She readily shares her knowledge and experiences, mentoring aspiring engineers and fostering an environment of collaboration and growth. Her passion for education extends beyond the classroom, as she encourages lively discussions and intellectual exchanges among students, faculty, and community members alike.
Current Location
Long, sleek, raven black
6' 3"
130 Lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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