Horatio Townsend

Human, General - Horatio Townsend is a grizzled veteran and former general of the Army of Kerak, known for his bravery and tactical brilliance on the battlefield. He is a man of commanding presence, with a stern expression and a deep voice that demands attention. Despite his many combat injuries, including a leg wound that has left him with a pronounced limp, Horatio remains a formidable presence. He is tall and broad-shouldered, with a thick beard that has streaks of grey running through it, and piercing blue eyes that seem to see straight through a person.   Horatio's years of military service have left him with a wealth of knowledge and experience that he is always willing to share with those around him. He is a natural leader and mentor, and many young soldiers look up to him as a source of inspiration and guidance. Horatio is fiercely loyal to the Kingdom of Kerak and takes his duty to defend it very seriously. He is a man of great honor and integrity, and his word is his bond. He has a deep respect for the rules of war, and will never resort to underhanded tactics or dirty tricks to gain an advantage. Despite his gruff exterior, Horatio has a kind heart and a soft spot for those who have suffered as a result of war. He has been known to go out of his way to help wounded soldiers and civilians, and he often donates his own resources to charities that support them.   In his retirement, Horatio spends his days mentoring young soldiers and working with charities that support the wounded and disabled. He is a respected member of the community, and many look up to him as a source of wisdom and guidance. He essentially “runs” the town of Perriston.
Current Location
6' 4"
245 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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