
Society Kariland is heavily influenced by its military presence and its focus on serving the Kingdom of Kerak. As mentioned earlier, most of the town's residents are retired soldiers or mercenaries who have dedicated their lives to serving and defending the kingdom. This has resulted in a society that is highly disciplined and regimented. The town is led by a council of military leaders and experienced officers who oversee the day-to-day operations of the garrison and the town. These leaders are respected and revered by the residents of Kariland, who see them as role models and symbols of the kingdom's strength and resolve. Due to its isolated location, the town has a strong sense of community and camaraderie. The residents of Kariland look out for one another and are fiercely loyal to the kingdom of Kerak. This loyalty is ingrained in their culture and is passed down from generation to generation.   In terms of social classes, Kariland is a relatively egalitarian society. While there are distinctions between officers and soldiers, these distinctions are based on merit and experience rather than birth or wealth. The town's focus on military service and duty means that individuals are judged by their skills and abilities, rather than their social standing or family background. Even during times of conflict, you would be hard pressed to find panic or indecisive with any resident of Kariland. For example, a soldier or myrmidon will never ask how many enemy soldiers are there, but will simply ask where are they.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Kerak)

Industry & Trade

Imports Weapons, armor, lumber, livestock, reagents   Exports Shields, ranged weaponry, potions/alchemy, leather   Trade and Commerce Given that Kariland is a military town with a primary focus on serving the kingdom, its trade and commerce are relatively limited. The town's economy is centered on supporting the needs of the army garrison, providing them with supplies, equipment, and services required to maintain their military operations. The town's primary sources of income are from trade with other military settlements and the sale of surplus military equipment allies. Kariland is known for producing some of the best soldiers, siege weaponry, and equipment in the lands of Dayne, making it a popular destination for officers in the army who are looking to equip their troops with the best gear.   Additionally, the town's location in the central river valley gives it access to natural resources, such as timber and minerals, which are essential for building and maintaining military fortifications and equipment. These resources are often extracted and processed locally, providing employment opportunities for the town's residents.   Despite its isolated location, Kariland does have some small-scale commerce. There are local markets where residents can purchase essential goods and services, such as food, clothing, and medical supplies. Some residents also engage in small-scale farming or animal husbandry to supplement their income and provide for their families.

Guilds and Factions

Myrmidon Elite - The Myrmidon Elite are a powerful and elite military force in the Kingdom of Kerak, widely considered to be the apex fighting unit of the entire kingdom. These soldiers are highly skilled, trained to the highest degree of physical and mental fitness, and equipped with some of the most advanced weapons and armor available in the land of Dayne.   The Myrmidon Elite soldiers are chosen from the best and brightest in the kingdom's army, and only those who have demonstrated exceptional combat skills, unwavering discipline, and unbreakable loyalty to the Kingdom of Kerak are selected to join this elite force. Once chosen, these soldiers undergo a rigorous training program that lasts several years, during which they are taught advanced combat techniques, specialized tactics, and how to use the unique weapons and equipment employed by the Myrmidon Elite. The soldiers of the Myrmidon Elite are known for their fearsome reputation in battle. They are skilled in a variety of combat styles, including hand-to-hand combat, ranged attacks, and siege warfare. They are also equipped with some of the most advanced weapons and armor available, including enchanted blades, magical bows, and impenetrable shields. This combination of advanced training and superior equipment makes the Myrmidon Elite nearly unbeatable in combat, and they are often deployed in the most challenging and dangerous missions.


Kariland is a formidable military settlement located in the central river valley of the Kingdom of Kerak. It is known to be one of the most imposing settlements in the kingdom due to its strategic location. The town's main focus is to support the nearby army garrison, which is stationed to the north of the town. The garrison in Kariland is permanent and is comprised of some of the best soldiers and weaponry in the kingdom. Any invading army would have to face the large garrison, its fortified position, and the fearsome Myrmidon Elite troopers. These elite troopers are highly trained and skilled in combat, making them a formidable force to be reckoned with. Along with a large contingent of warcasters, the settlement is nearly impenetrable.   The town itself is spartan, but functional. Its infrastructure and amenities are designed to support the army and its soldiers, with little regard for luxury or extravagance. However, officers in the army who are looking to promote or lead the best combat troops in Kerak's army see a position in Kariland as a highly coveted opportunity.

Points of interest

Dena's Forge - A modest blacksmith's workshop, built around a volcanic fissure filled with flames.   The Memorial - A tall obelisk of polished agate, placed to honor the fallen warriors of Kariland.   The Yellow Flagon - A fanciful commoner's inn, which serves only mead. It is one of the largest buildings in the town and can easily seat 200 people.


Kariland is situated in the central region of Alteria, within the Kingdom of Kerak. The town is located within a valley corridor of the Blue Mountains. It also sits on the northern bank of The Periphery.
Alternative Name(s)
Reapers Valley
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed – All lineages represented.
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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