Lord Fennialis Scades

Human, Lord Commander - Fennialis Scades is a noble Lord and military commander of the town and garrison in the town of Kariland. He is a highly respected and experienced leader who has dedicated his life to serving the kingdom of Kerak and protecting its people. When King Alinor Kerak V asked for one to build a stronghold in the isolated vallery, Fennialis immediately stepped forward and stated, “Here am I. Send me, my King.”   Fennialis is a tall and imposing figure, standing at over six feet tall with broad shoulders and a muscular build. He has dark hair that is kept short and neatly trimmed, and a well-groomed beard that frames his strong jawline. His piercing grey eyes are intense and commanding, and he carries himself with a confident and authoritative demeanor.   As a military commander, Fennialis is highly skilled in strategy and tactics, and is known for his unwavering discipline and unwavering loyalty to the Kingdom of Kerak. He is a master of both hand-to-hand combat and long-range weaponry, and is respected by his troops for leading by example and never asking them to do anything he wouldn't do himself. Despite his intimidating presence, Fennialis is a fair and just leader who deeply cares for the people under his command. He takes the time to listen to the concerns of his troops and residents of Kariland and works tirelessly to ensure that their needs are met.   As a noble Lord, Fennialis is also known for his generosity and philanthropy. He frequently donates to local charities and causes, and is well-regarded by the people of Kariland for his efforts to improve their quality of life.
Current Location
6' 1"
235 lbs
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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