Kater Shattershield

Dwarf, Mayor-Captain - With a robust and sturdy frame befitting his Dwarven heritage, Kater exudes an air of authority and leadership. His long, braided beard, intricately adorned with various trinkets and ornaments, serves as a testament to his status and wisdom. Kater's deep-set eyes, framed by bushy eyebrows, possess a keen and perceptive gaze, constantly surveying the town and its inhabitants. Despite his imposing presence, he carries himself with a warm and approachable demeanor. As a seasoned warrior, Kater wears a suit of intricately crafted armor, emblazoned with the heraldry of Laketown—a representation of the town's resilience and triumph over adversity. His trusty warhammer, forged with precision and adorned with intricate engravings, is a symbol of both his authority and his prowess in battle. He personally lead the Kerak Army into the town to assist in the rebuilding and what he saw fundamentally changed him. His resolve to make the place something better made it an easy choice to become the military Mayor of the town and remain. Beyond his martial skills, Kater is renowned for his astute political acumen and a deep understanding of governance. He possesses a shrewd mind and a strong sense of justice, striving to uphold the principles of equality and fairness within Laketown. With a commanding presence and a silver-tongued eloquence, he adeptly navigates the complex dynamics of diplomacy and negotiation. He frequently engages with residents, listening attentively to their concerns and aspirations, and working tirelessly to ensure their well-being and prosperity. His unwavering dedication to the town and its inhabitants has earned him the enduring loyalty and admiration of the community.
Current Location
Dark Brown
Sandy colored
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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