Kerak (Care-Ack)

Capital of the Kingdom of Kerak

  Castle Kerak is the grand capital of The Kingdom of Kerak, The very first of the Human Kingdoms and yet still to this day a rich and powerful nation thriving with technology and life. Castle Kerak was built for no other purpose than to be its nation’s capital. As it is the centerpiece for the largest Kingdom of Dayne, Castle Kerak is the heart of the Continent of Alteria.


The people of Kerak know the importance of their city, and they can be arrogant and pompous as a result. Visitors often find them tiresome. Nevertheless, the population is quite cosmopolitan. Citizens view other races, unusual cultures, and strange magic with aboslute tolerance, if not outright welcome. Castle Kerak is the largest and most populated city in all of Dayne and being so, it brings many visitors into its gates.   Crime in Kerak falls under the purview of several thieves guilds, all of which have standing arrangements with the city guard and with the crown. So long as they keep a tight leash on their members and avoid robbing or assaulting anyone important, the criminal guilds operate with minimal interference. While many in power dislike this arrangement, they recognize that the alternative would be a larger number of independent, unrestricted criminals. The guilds enforce the protection of individuals designated as off limits and eliminate competition by outside thieves, performing both functions far more efficiently than the city watch could manage. This situation perpetuates a belief, at least among the capital’s wealthy, that this “ultimate city” is practically free of crime, while it alienates the poor who suffer the freedom of the guilds.


Monarchy- The Kingdom of Kerak is currently ruled by King Araynin Kerak. The monarchy of Kerak is passed on to the oldest child, no matter whether male or female, in a commonly seen system of succesion; at the same time, custom demands that the ruler be versed and master the arts of Celestial Magic. Thus, Kerak's power center is both birth and by magical right.

Industry & Trade

IMPORTS- Spices, Luxury Textiles, Metals, Timber, Precious Gems, Dyes & Pigments, Medicinal Herbs, Exoctic Animals   EXPORTS- Agricultural Goods, Silk, Linens, Gold, Magic Items, Reagents, Inscripton     Castle Kerak is a hub of trade and commerce in the Lands of Dayne. The surrounding rivers and fertile valley provide ample resources for both agricultural and industrial production, which in turn fuel the city's economy. One of the primary exports of Castle Kerak is agricultural products, including grains, fruits, and vegetables. The kingdom has a long history of farming and is known for its high-quality produce. The kingdom also produces textiles, such as wool and linen, which are exported to neighboring kingdoms. Castle Kerak is also a center of craftsmanship, with skilled artisans producing goods such as jewelry, pottery, and fine metalwork. These goods are highly prized and often exported to other kingdoms in exchange for luxury goods and raw materials. The city's central location and access to rivers make it an ideal trading hub, with merchants from across the Lands of Dayne converging on Castle Kerak to buy and sell their wares. The city also has a bustling market, which is a hive of activity, with vendors selling everything from food and clothing to exotic spices and rare gems.

Guilds and Factions

The Knights of the Silver Blade- This is a small but highly skilled group of knights who are renowned for their swordsmanship and chivalry. They are known to be fiercely loyal to the king and will stop at nothing to protect him and the kingdom.   The Armament- This is a group of alchemists who specialize in creating potions, elixirs, and other magical concoctions. They are often called upon by the royal family and other high-ranking officials for their services.   The Orange Lotus- This is a secretive group of spies and thieves who are rumored to work for the highest bidder and powerful individuals in the Kingdom of Kerak. They are known for their stealth and their ability to get the job done, no matter how dangerous.   Two Mountain Trading Co.- This is a group of wealthy merchants who control much of the trade in Castle Kerak and the surrounding areas. They are known for their shrewd business acumen and their willingness to do whatever it takes to turn a profit.   The Dark Flame- This is a small but fanatical group of individuals who worship The Dragon Auku. They are known to engage in human sacrifices and other dark rituals in order to gain favor. Their members are unknown but actions are very much public.   The Eeres Guard- This is a group of knights who specialize in fighting the undead and other Necromantic forces that threaten the kingdom. They are known for their bravery and their willingness to take on even the most dangerous foes throughout Kerak and all of Dayne.   Twilight Shadows- This is a group of skilled thieves and pickpockets who operate in the shadows of Castle Kerak. They are known for their cunning and their ability to steal even the most well-guarded treasures.   The Order of the Black Rose- The most notorius and infamous of the Illicit Guilds throughout the Continent of Alteria. Black Rose has claimed to be reposonsible for over 3000 high profile theft cases including the famed, Orb of Visions from the old Kingdom of Dazan only days before its demise 4 years ago. Also the Black Rose is responsible for the Blind Bazaar, the largest of the Black Market auctions houses in all of Dayne.


The Orginal Kerak people are one half of the First Humans. Settling in the east in Alteria, they quickly grew into one of the most influential and important peoples in all the Land of Dayne.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed (71% Human,17% Biata, 6% Sylvanborn, 4% Elf,%, 2% other).
Location under
Owning Organization


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