
Society The people of Locrum are a rugged group. The nearly forty permanent residents tend to keep to themselves. Work in this area of the shard is hard and the people simply don’t have time for loud mouth fools! At least a third of the settlement is made up of High Ogres and fighting an everyday occurrence. Not that the humans lag behind. Utaran influences and society are heavy in the town, as many of the humans originated in the northern Kingdom. The residents tend to maintain simple homes and they stay away from lavish arrangements, except for the Tower itself. New comers should be aware that jobes and insults are not answered in kind in Locrum. They are answered with fighting. Be weary…



Industry & Trade

Imports Livestock, lumber, rice, grains   Exports Sails, ships rigging, navigation equipment, and salt.   Trade and Commerce Locrum trade is focused on its maritime market; ships equipment and repairs of said ships. While it does not have drydocks and largescale dockyards, the shipwrights and High Ogre workers are very adapt at what they do. The rough seas that can sometimes occur outside the safety of Locrum means that there is steady traffic into the small pub towns port. Luckily, the many adventurers who stop into the settlement provide a fair amount of coin into the town and “adventurer economy” is strong here. Magic weapons, armor, and equipment are in good stock here and can be located in the third-story floor of the tavern.


On the northwest corner of Alteria stand a large, ancient stone tower. The tower is three-stories tall and has many architectural features of Utaran buildings. The weather-beaten tower is the centerpiece of what is a small, but growing pub town/village. Thought to have been an old Utaran lighthouse or fortress, who made it or garrisoned it disappeared a long time ago. The only identifier being a wooden sign with the word “Lucrom” being burned onto it. The name stuck for the area. The tower was left abandoned until roughly 80 years ago until it was claimed by a private organization. The tower is home to the Ótti Akkeri (Dread Anchor) Tavern. The tower was refurbished and made into a serviceable port for ships traversing the Calle Ocean to the Arin Sea. Lucrom is now a popular stop over for sailors, merchants, adventurers, and explorers.

Points of interest

Ótti Akkeri (Dread Anchor) Tavern – The central building of Locrum. It has three floors and each has a different purpose;
  • First floor is made up of the tavern, dining hall, and several private lounges.
  • The second floor is made up of lodging spaces and a central common room for guests.
  • The third floor consists of a indoor market for many items and is open for a limited time. It also houses the tavern’s owner and maintainer.


Lucrom is situated in the northwestern region of Alteria with its shores facing toward the Frozen Basin. The pub town is located due north of Mount Versay and west of the Northern Woods.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed - Majority Human and High Ogre


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