Rök Hreysti

Human, Tavern Owner – Rök family found this abandoned tower nearly a century ago and claimed it for their own. The family spent an incredible amount of coin and resources to make Locrum what it is now. A dour man, he hates spending an extended amount down in the tavern. Instead, he would rather be down by the docks looking at the ships coming in and making arrangements for the fledgling settlement to grow. It is rumored that Rök was once a Utaran warrior of some fame, but after loosing his wife in a unknown war, he has never been the same. He has two adult children, Ivar and Elan, who are much more social and tend to be the “face” of the operation. Barely adults, Rök is very protective of them and will not hesitate to confront any who endanger or threaten his children.
Long, Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
6' 5"
260 lbs
Ruled Locations


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