Maruis de Valga

Human, Duke - The name of his family, Valga, is loosely given to the city that forms the heart of their lands. In his youth, Marius graduated from the military Academie des Chevaliers, and is still quite a soldier. However, while fighting in a Grand Melee, he inadvertently killed a distant cousin of the Queen, earning him a reputation as a reckless individual. This caused him to temporarily retire from battle and soldiery until the war with the Dabu Greenlands escalated in recent years. Since then, he has gained weight due to his reduced level of exercise, having been regulated to command duties well behind the frontlines.   Just over 10 years ago, he married, and he and his wife Duchess Wyndie Valga had a daughter, Maribelle. Their daughter was found to have magical talent, but her parents concealed this fact due to the fact that the Duchess accurately predicted that there would be a conflict in the future between magic users and their non-magic wielding peers due the fallout from the Fracturing of Karmadazan in Alteria. With the unknown nature of the magical destruction of a powerful Kingdom and Dayne’s greatest adventurers, many were apprehensive to engage with magic users at depth. While the resentment was short lived, it sparked some scandal in Valorim when it was identified in a play at the capital. Now, Marius and his family are almost always seen in public with expensive, intricately-crafted masks, with their general features maintained as a closely guarded secret. The Duke enjoys verbally jousting with other nobles, such as when young nobles speak to their exploits on the battlefield. Despite the fact he has long been retired from the being a mounted chevalier, he still holds the calvary in high regard, and takes great offense to any insult to the Chevaliers, real or imagined. Marius has delegated a great deal of responsibility for the daily running of Valgus to his wife. Luckily, she is considered a shrewd and even-keeled leader of the great city.
Current Location
6' 0"
175 lbs
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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