
Society The Kingdom of Valo is as well known for its extravagance. As an ambitious and wealthy nation, Valo has been able to exert power across large swathes of Pallidon via their military and commerce. These flourished greatly under Queen Amaya Valorim III’s rule, inspiring a current cultural renaissance in the Kingdom. Her public support for the University of the Light has enabled it to become one of the most prestigious educational institutions in Dayne, attracting nobles from Alteria and the Frozen Sands. Similarly, her support for the arts has enabled them to flourish in all Valo.   The Cheance is in constant “play” throughout the Kingdom of Valo. Every social and political move is calculated in order to achieve more power and better standing. There is a slight degree of permissiveness towards immoral or illegal acts in Valo, provided the unspoken rule is followed: it is only a crime if you are caught. Even the law can turn a benevolent if not blind eye; an commoner in Valo could earn himself a wink and a grin for a crime that would earn them a year in a dungeon in Kerak or the Frozen Sands. Appearance is a major factor in everything within Valo, and society reflects this through fashion, makeup, art, architecture, food, and the many social scenes. It is said that having the appearance of wealth and power is as important that actually being wealthy and powerful.   Cities within Valo attract artists from across Dayne to seek employers and contracts, but is also home to internal talents as well. Son of Queen Amaya Valorim III, and an artist in his own right, Prince Venius Valorim is known for his works. He works diligently with models throughout the process of creating a sculpture, often celebrated dancers, performers, and athletes. Prince Venius draws and sculpts his subjects over and over, often requiring models to repeat a specific dance move or spontaneous gesture. This may include small, quick sketches or "maquette" in an oil-base plasticine clay. Using the "lost wax" method, he then cast the works of art into bronze. Using an artist method of patina, the Prince alters the surface color of the final composition. The completed patinated bronze is affixed to a marble base, also designed and selected by the artist as part of the overall sculptural composition.   Valo theatres makes use of ceramic masks to denote character and roles, with the mask's shape and color denoting the character's status and importance to the plot. Plays cover a variety of genres and topics ranging from historical to current social scandals. Valo also has a tradition of puppet theater. The puppets involved can be so complex as to need five puppeteers to work them. Simple shadow puppets made of wood and paper —some more fancifully made of teak— have risen in popularity at smaller parties and salons in the Kingdom. They are often enhanced with the use of colored glass lanterns and musical accompaniment.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Valo)

Industry & Trade

Imports Olive oil, wine, cider, dyes, saffron, and various vegetables   Exports Copper, bronze, tin, lead, glassworks, silk, and wool   Trade and Commerce Valgus grew from an active trade road, being one of the first trade centers in the northern part the Kingdom of Valo. It has continued to be an important commerce nexus, attracting merchants and crafters from across Pallidon, if not all of Dayne. The introduction of new trade routes brought an influx of exotic goods and resources, transforming Valgus into a hub of worldwide trade. The establishment of guilds and trade associations played a pivotal role in regulating commerce, ensuring quality craftsmanship, and fostering economic growth. Markets and fairs continue to bustle with activity, offering a wide array of goods that are sought after by the growing commoner class and nobility. The last century has witnessed a remarkable surge in commercial activity, paving the way for cultural exchange, economic prosperity, and the flourishing of arts and sciences.


  • Nobles District
  • Clock Tower District
  • West Hill Ward
  • Dalet Row
  • Ventrus Park

Guilds and Factions

Kensington Trading & Associates - This group of merchants is relatively new but has been growing at a substantial rate throughout the Kingdom of Valo. Open to all who wish to learn trade, Kensington Trading was quick to see the booming economy that has resurged in Valorim. To take advantage of this, they have created a massive guild hall in Valgus and other cities. They then rent out space to anyone to sell their crafts and goods there.


Valgus began as a small openair bazaar and adventurers’ settlement. Having been founded by a sylvanborn adventurer named Valga, the town took on their name in 680 AG. Due to its proximity to the Royal Highway, the settlement soon grew into a prosperous town. It was nearly destroyed by an unknown group of raiders in 682 AG. The raid and near destruction of the town caused the residents of Valgus to become more reserved members of the Kingdom of Valo. While loyal to the budding Kingdom, the residents and representatives are often some of the most aggressive or outspoken citizens. Military service is a source of pride for the kingdom, with many senior officers in the Army having roots in Valgus.   In the first half of the Age of Awakening, a woman named Melisent Trouvé participated in a tournament that took place in Valgus at a time when women were forbidden from doing so. Her victory and subsequent murder at the tournament was witnessed by Prince Bernart Valorim, inspiring him to abolish the law preventing women from joining the knighthood and posthumously making Melisent the first non-male chevalier once he became emperor. Valgus is now a highly prosperous city that primarily supports the Fortress of Light and surrounding region.

Points of interest

The Merry Burrows - A modest tavern, largely built into the side of a small hill and catering exclusively to commoners. It is known for its loaded fried potatoes and cinnamon whiskey drink.   The Theatre of Eumas - A two-story half-timbered theatre, known for its hours-long elven and sylvanborn epics.   The Light Merchant - A single story half-timbered building, the shop of a male human jewelry merchant named Erics. It is said to be built atop a crater where a piece of the sun fell to Dayne a long ago, and everything Erics sells glows with golden light for a year less a day.   The Spectral Aqueduct - A section of an old aqueduct stands over the Dalet Row, a main street cutting through the center of the city. A curtain of water falls continuously from the lower end of the aqueduct into a large stone basin. The water is clear and cold, considered to be some of the best tasting freshwater in all of Dayne.


Valgus is situated in the central region of Pallidon, within the Kingdom of Valo. The city is located near the southwest portion of the Melting Mountains and is due east of the town of Leggero.
Founding Date
680 AG
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed – Mostly human, elves, sylvanborn, and dwarves.
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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