

Pogdan is a once small town that has undergone a significant transformation over the past five years. Originally, it was a humble farming village known for its tranquil surroundings and close-knit community. However, after the fall of The Kingdom of Dazan, the once prosperous Biata realm, has led to a wave of refugees and shelters those displaced from the neighboring riuns inside The Spellscar. The Biata, native to Dazan, found themselves uprooted from their homes and seeking refuge in a new land. Pogdan became a safe haven for these displaced individuals, offering them solace and an opportunity to rebuild their lives somewhat. The town's residents embraced the Biata, recognizing their struggles and extending a warm welcome.


Pogdan is apart of the Barony of Drakemyre in southern Kerak. The town itself has a Council of Elders. There are Five elected officals on the council which is currently led by Ele Merrickson, a local Biata decendent of Dazan who has lived here since before The Last Hope. Council is elected every two years and allows a 4 month transitioning period.

Industry & Trade


Prescious Gems, musical instruments, Silks, and Exotic oils


Fine Linens, Jewelry, Fletching, and Embroidery

Trade and Commerce:

The trade and industry of Pogdan has diversified and expanded in response to the arrival of the Dazan refugees that have taken residence here. The town's exports capitalize on its agricultural prowess and the Biata's craftsmanship. By managing imports, Pogdan continues to thrive economically and create a sustainable future for its residents, despite the recent tradegies many of its people have lived through. The Dazan people bring with them a rich tradition of craftsmanship and artistic talent. Pogdan has recently become renowned for its handcrafted goods, including intricate pottery, textiles, jewelry, and woodwork. These unique creations have garnered attention both locally and in the region, leading to increased demand and export opportunities. The town also imports raw materials, such as metals, gemstones, and dyes, to support the artisans' creative endeavors.


The town's infrastructure has adapted to accommodate the growing population. New housing has sprung up, ensuring that everyone has a place to call home. The local economy has also flourished, with the Biata contributing their Earth magical expertise and craftsmanship leading to increased prosperity for the entire community. Pogdan is characterized by a spirit of unity and cooperation. The old townspeople and the displaced Biata work hand in hand, organizing community events, festivals, and markets that celebrate their shared heritage. The town's residents have learned from the Dazani's rich cultural traditions, incorporating their music, dance, and art into their own way of life.

Guilds and Factions

The Keepers- Keepers are a guild comprised of the Biata people, united by their shared heritage and their deep connection to The ruined Kingdom of Dazan. Devoted to preserving their cultural legacy and seeking out others who share their experiences, The Keepers serve as a bridge between the past and the present, striving to connect with fellow Biata and individuals who have been to The Kingdom of Dazan before its tragic downfall caused by The Last Hope.


Pogdan, a quaint village nestled near the southern border of The Kingdom of Dazan and located within the Kingdom of Kerak, boasts a rich history that dates back several centuries. Situated in the picturesque Voss River Valley, with the majestic Colosierrie Mountains guarding its eastern flank, Pogdan has been a witness to numerous events that have shaped the region over time. The origins of Pogdan can be traced back to the early second era and the settlers who ventured into the fertile lands surrounding the Voss River. These settlers, primarily farmers and hunters, recognized the strategic advantages of the location and established a small community in the valley. The village was named Pogdan, derived from an ancient local dialect, which roughly translates to "place of abundance" or "bountiful land." Over time, Pogdan prospered and evolved into a thriving agricultural center, with its inhabitants cultivating the fertile soil to produce abundant crops. The villagers developed advanced farming techniques, utilizing the river's freshwaters for irrigation and building a network of canals to distribute water throughout their fields. In the early years, Pogdan faced challenges from occasional raids by Troll tribes from the eastern Mountains, drawn by the village's wealth and abundance. To protect their settlement, the villagers constructed a modest fortification on a hill overlooking the valley. The fortifications, along with the vigilance of the villagers, deterred most attacks, ensuring the safety and security of Pogdan. As the Kingdom of Kerak expanded its influence in the region, Pogdan found itself situated within its borders. The rulers of Kerak recognized the importance of the village's agricultural output and its strategic location, leading to increased investment in the region's infrastructure. The Voss River was dammed to control its flow and provide a steady water supply, benefitting not only Pogdan but also the surrounding settlements.   In later years, Pogdan became known for its skilled artisans and craftsmen. The village developed a reputation for producing exquisite Fletching and finely crafted pertrifeid wood Bows. Merchants from far and wide traveled to Pogdan to acquire these prized creations, bringing prosperity and cultural exchange to the village. Despite its relatively small size, Pogdan played a significant role during The War of Freedom supplying The forces of Alteria againts the Armies of Battenmore.
Alternative Name(s)
New Dazan
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed; Majority Biata & Human
Location under
Owning Organization


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