
The remote elven fishing town known as Círdan was named by the original elven settlers in the area. The name roughly translates to Ship-Maker in the ancient elven tongue of that age. The elder storytellers in the area explain that an elven shipwright of great skill was one of the First Ones to settle the area. They often relate how this shipwright was betrayed by his unnamed brother, who stole his first ship design and fled across the Lake. In his flight, the ship and the brother were destroyed by a creature of immense power. Only described as a large snake, the creature enveloped the brother and the ship, pulling both down into the depths of Lake Alveia. Now, many residents of Portstown believe snakes to be the bringers of good luck. As a respect to the story, snakes encountered in the wild or within the city are highly protected. By leaving a snake unmolested, it is thought to have brought that individual good luck.



Important People

Lady Kinalaya Lividsense, Elf, Head of the Loma.

Industry & Trade

Imports Linens, wool, various stone works, perfumes, and animal skins.   Exports Freshwater Fish, timber, paper/parchment, fishing vessels, and small boats.   Trade and Commerce Portstown is the economical force in fresh water supply and fishing for the northern portion of the continent. The city maintains robust and far-reaching trade routes with the majority of the neighboring Free Cities, the Northern Woods, Kingdom of Carn Mirdain, and the Kingdom of Kerak. The Portstown trade fleet is considered to be one of the most effective in the shard. The ships are well-designed and manned with seasoned crews. Rarely are ships lost and criminal acts on Lake Alveia are nearly non-existent, making trade and transport safe. The Fisheries Confederation fleet nearly mastered the art of mass fishing on the lake without causing a drastic issue to its ecosystem. The Fisheries Confederation maintain several large farms on the Lake, with the majority being located near the Town of Lordsmouth.   Many restaurants operate in the city and cover a wide variety of styles. Grocers who supply freshwater fish also maintain large warehouses throughout the city and have mastered ways of preserving foodstuffs via refrigeration and alternate magical means for transport abroad.

Guilds and Factions

Fisheries Confederation – Is made up of multiple fishing fleets and flotillas that now operate as one unified organization. The fleet of nearly 100 fishing vessels of various sizes and types. With a well-established charter, the Confederations ships are unique in the sense that they are all well-armed for “civilian” boats. Every sailor and fisherman is trained in how to defend their boat, as well as those around them. This makes the Confederation sailors highly sought after for both fresh-water and ocean going crews. Most Fisheries Confederation workers have a mind toward conservation of natural resources and, specifically, aquatic creatures. Part of their charter encourages new sailors to educate themselves on selected aquatics and become subject matter experts with them.


The City of Portstown was built on what was a Elven fishing town called Círdan. Over time, the elves of the Northern Wood retreated to their native forests, leaving the location as more of a trade hub with the communities of the Three Ladies. Now, Portstown is the de facto fishing capital of northern Alteria and home of the Fisheries Confederation. Governance of the city is shared by several wealthy merchants and a noble aristocrat by the name of Lady Kinalaya Lividsense. The Lady is one of the wealthiest individuals in the Free Cities and, from all appearances, could fund the cities operations for decades on her personal wealth alone…   Portstown is a bustling port city that is almost entirely built outward onto the Lake on great magical stone columns that are elven in origin. The column and many of the older, original structures in the city have images of various snakes worked into them due to old elven myths and stories. The platforms between the permanent structures of the city are home to several open-air markets and vendors. The many docks of the city easily accommodate many deep-draft vessels on the lake, safely allowing them to dock without fear of any navigational hazards which are normally associated with lakeside docks.

Points of interest

The Guildhall - A large timber and brick building, decorated with a glazed-tile roof. It contains a large meeting hall and several smaller rooms, and is shared amongst several local merchant guilds. Large Earth and Celestial circles reside in the center of the Guildhall.   The Broken Arrow - A heroic adventurer's tavern, known for the illusions which entertain its patrons.   Niserie's Pottery - A cluttered potter's workshop, built within what was once a titan's tankard.


Located in the northern region of the Three Ladies, on Lake Alveia.
Alternative Name(s)
Círdan, Porty-Town
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed - Majority Human, Elf, Dryad, and Sylvanborn.


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