
Society Similar to the their neighbors across the Lake, Salum’dre residence are a serious lot and they tend to avoid wasting time on small talk. Frugal businesspeople, most residents are resourceful at negotiation. Its hard to get someone from Salum’dre to budge on a deal. They know their worth and they don’t give up easily. Citizens of this town are extremely proud of their history and will not take kindly to someone insulting the town or its people. Every able person in the town is a fighter and will fight for the town on moments notice. It is not uncommon for the towns militia to gather and drill on defensive measures. A Salum’dre defender proudly has their heraldry on their shields, armor, and weapons. If ever given an item with this heraldry, the receiver should understand this is the ultimate respect a citizen could give them. The town is respectful of the Phalanx Legion, but will openly say they do not need them.   Etymology Salum’dre is considered to be the landing spot for the great dwarven warrior Skaldi Ironseeker. Thankful for surviving a trip down the Hightower River, legend has it that Skaldi drove one of his long spears into the ground and claimed the location as his bastion for “all time until the end”. The spear remained untouched and the temporary camp built around it became a village and then into the town today. Elders say that as long as the spear remains in the ground, the town will never fall to an enemy force outside the town.




12-ft stone walls, small ballista's, and large catapult.

Industry & Trade

Imports Wool, carpentry tools, masonry tools   Exports Timber, fresh water, freshwater fish, stone works   Trade and Commerce Salum’dre’s primary export is timber. Thanks to the Hightower and Lake Aulli, timber from various sources are readily transported here, staged, and then moved to its point of origin. Gnollengrom tradesmen and merchants are often seen in the town looking over lumber operations. The vast majority of Gnollengrom’s timber is procured in Salum’dre via bulk orders. Carpentry is a major trade practice in town and a good number of furniture, fletchers, and woodwork art shoppes are readily accessible. Arrows made at Snipers Perch Arsenal are considered some of the best in the shard, though very expensive due to their treatment and detail. The fishery operation out of Salum’dre is vast and heavily influenced by the Fisheries Confederation operation near Portstown in Lake Alveia, though not to that scale.

Guilds and Factions

Malone Timber – Considered to be the largest lumber company in the Free Cities. Their timber yards in the town are their largest in the region and supply a large number of clients. Malone Timber workers are well paid and subject matter experts in lumber transportation. Motivation levels are high at the yard in Salum’dre and most employees are happy to spend their coin in town.


Salum’dre began as a small dwarven fishing community that still provides Gnollengrom the majority of its fish stock and timber. Its proximity to the dwarven kingdoms capital make it a popular stop over before starting the trek up to the great capital’s gates. Over time, the town has expanded due to the timber operations now staged just outside the city. The town has been the staging point for several military campaigns and conflicts due to its central position between four regional powers. Salum’dre has never been abandoned by its residents, nor has it fallen due to force from the outside. Its walls have been breached many times, but its defenders have never faltered. Winterbury maintains a protectorate agreement with the town and it is not uncommon for Phalanx Legion soldiers to be roaming the streets of the town.

Points of interest

Malone Timber Yards – The massive timber operation is located just outside the western part of the town and up the Hightower River. The lumber workers are extremely adapt and organizing the timber as it comes down the river via barges and flatboats. The Yard has many holding points on the water, with workers moving the logs into holding pens before they are later retrieved and transported to their contracted location.   Spears Point - The famous spear of Skaldi Ironseeker and his sealed tomb now sit in the town center, protected by a permanent circle of power. The spear remains in pristine condition, with the spearhead remaining nearly completely covered by the earth. A small, red piece of cloth remains tied to the top of spear, though colored by ink or blood may never be know.   The Tavern of the Perpetual Song - A heroic dwarven tavern, known for a magical wall upon which are always exactly 99 bottles of ale. The tavern is named for a simple song about the wall sung by its patrons, which has been going more-or-less continuously for the last century.


Salum’dre is situated in the northern region of Alteria, being the lone town on Lake Aulli. The town is located in the northeastern portion of the Lake and is due east of Gnollengrom. A tributary of the Hightower River is located on the western portion of the town. The flat grasslands near the Lake are ideal for farming and travel on foot. It normally maintains cooler temperatures throughout the year.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed - Majority Dwarf, Human, and Elf


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