Skaldi Ironseeker

Skaldi Ironseeker was born in the great mountains of eastern Alteria several hundred years ago. His parents were believed to be nobles of a minor house and, being the youngest of 6, was not in line for any title soon. As was mandated at the time, Skaldi entered into military service. His fighting prowess and mastery of military strategy were immediately apparent to those around him. After his father was killed in battle with orcs, he took command of his fathers unit and slew the orc chief with a single blow of his axe, thus avenging his father's death. He was a very young Dwarf at the time, being only thirty-two years of age: by the Dwarves reckoning, he was still a stripling. Skaldi's feat was heralded as a magnificent and glorious triumph for one so young. Even though still grieving his fathers death, he finished the campaign to push the orcs from his mountains home interior.   Having brought great honor to his family name, he responded to Vallin Greathammer's call for help during the quest to reclaim the Lone Gate. He then marched with five hundred Dwarven soldiers, exceptionally strong even by Dwarven standards, clad in heavy chainmail and iron boots, and armed with mattocks, shields, and swords. His force smashed the goblinoid force at the Lone Gate, opening the dwarven kingdoms main highway again to the open world. From there, he continued into the shard and arrived just in time for the Battle of the Delta. After nearly drowning in the river and coming up near a point on land at Lake Aulli, Skaldi thanked the elven scouts and their allies for their assistance against the undead forces and drove a spear into the ground near the battlefield. From this point, the Town of Salum'dre grew from this location. For their timely intervention, the elves (in a sign of respect at the time) laid upon their new dwarven friends  gold and swearing the Dwarves to everlasting friendship with them.   Skaldi was a wise leader, and brought much wealth to the mountain realm and was on good terms with the people of the Free Cities and the Northern Woods, which ensured peace for many years to come. Skaldi would ultimately be made a Protector General and would lead dwarven forces for many years. He would also be dispatched on unique missions to further dwarven influence throughout the shard. Skaldi ultimately died in a battle with undead at the Lone Gate, holding back the force from entering his dwarven home. He was, by then, an extremely old Dwarf, at the age of two-hundred and fifty-two, but still strong for his age. He was still among the greatest of the Dwarven warriors and his prowess in battle was nearly unmatched. His body, per his request, was interred at Salum'dre. The town had become his winter retreat and he had become quite fond of the place when he was not otherwise engaged.
Founded Settlements


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