Shield- Queen Ladgerda

Human, Shield-Queen of Utara - Ladgerda, has a matchless spirit though a delicate frame, covered by her splendid bravery the inclination of the soldiers to waver. Considered to be the de facto military commander of the combined Utaran forces. Lagertha's career as a warrior began when Frø, small king of Northport, invaded a nearby farming community of Sever. Frø put the women of the defeated into a brothel for public humiliation. Upon hearing of this, the High King travelled from the capital. With the Heathen Band at his back, he sought revenge for the people of Sever. Many of the women Frø had ordered abused dressed themselves in men's clothing and fought on the High King’s side. Chief among them, and key to his victory, was Ladgerda.   As the storyteller’s recount: Ladgerda, a skilled fighter, who had fought in front among the bravest with her hair loose over her shoulders. All marveled at her matchless deeds in battle. Impressed with her courage, the High King courted her from afar. Lagertha feigned interest and Regnerus arrived to seek her hand, bidding his companions wait in the Ghuldan valley. He was set upon by a bear and a great hound which Ladgerda had guarding her home, but killed the bear with his spear and choked the hound to death. Thus he won her hand.
Current Residence
Dark Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 8"
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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