The Aussir


The Followers of the Dragon Kraenos are a unique faction that inhabits the undergroung of U'Calo Wood, adding an intriguing layer to the forest's lore and the Drow culture in Dayne. This secretive group is deeply connected to the ancient legend of the Dragon Kraenos and holds a significant role within U'Calo Wood. According to Dark Elven mythology, Kraenos was an immensely powerful dragon who once roamed the western continent of Pallidon. The tales speak of Kraeno's wisdom, Mastery over magic, and his affinity for the shadows. The Ancient Dragon was said to have formed a profound bond with U'Calo Wood, making the forest his sanctuary and the Dark Elves his chosen people.   The Aussir emerged as a devoted school choosing to follow the Ancient Gold Dragon's teachings and legacy. They believe that the dragon's essence and guidance reside within U'Calo Wood, and their purpose is to safeguard and honor this ancient connection. The faction is composed of Dark Elves who dedicate their lives to serving Kraenos and upholding the traditions and rituals associated with his teachings. The Followers of the Kraenos have their own hierarchy and structure within U'Calo Wood. At the pinnacle of this order is the High Speaker of Kraenos, a position of great reverence and authority. This individual serves as the spiritual leader, guiding the faction's members and interpreting the Golden Dragon's will. The Followers undertake various rituals and ceremonies within U'Calo Wood to commune with whats believed with the spirit of Kraenos and seek his guidance. They perform sacred meditations and incantations in the small Sunlit clearings of the forest, channeling the ancient power said to flow through the Wood. These rituals are often held in secret, deep within the heart of U'Calo Wood, away from prying eyes.   While The Aussir primarily keep to themselves within U'Calo Wood, their presence is felt throughout Dark Elven society in Dayne. They are respected and regarded as the keepers of ancient knowledge and custodians of The U'Calo Wood mystical power. The faction's expertise in magic and their connection to Kraenos make them sought-after allies and advisors in times of need. Despite their reclusive nature, The Aussir occasionally interact with outsiders who demonstrate respect for the U'Calo Wood and its traditions. These encounters can lead to alliances, joint endeavors, or the sharing of wisdom and knowledge.
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