Pure Amberyll

Pure amberyll is refined from amberyll through a process of boiling and decontamination. It has two major uses: for conducting and storing spells. Due to the altered state of magic in Nemed, a conductor must be used to cast spells of any real strength. Pure amberyll happens to be a great conductor of magic and is used by high level casters as a conduit that they perform their magics through. Casters are also able to cast a spell into the pure amberyll, which become imbued with the spell's magical energy. Anyone can shatter the pure amberyll to use the magical effect that's stored within.


Material Characteristics

Brightly colored, crystal-clear, extremely durable, hard crystal.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Able to store, and channel, magic

Origin & Source

Refined from Amberyll

History & Usage


Discovered originally from scholars experimenting on amberyll, they learned that it can store magic for very long periods of time, being released when the crystal is shattered. When pure amberyll crystals began to be disseminated amongst wealthy casters they discovered that they could use empty crystals to channel their magic through to greatly increase its effectiveness.

Cultural Significance and Usage

It is used as a casting conductor by wealthy casters that can afford it, and can be used to store magic for later use.


Refining amberyll into pure amberyll is an extensive process that requires intense amount of heat. The amberyll must be brought to a boiling temperature and left alone for many days or weeks while making sure that there are no contaminants that can make their way into the process.


Using pure amberyll without knowing whether the crystal is empty or not is extremely dangerous. If someone tries to channel a spell into a full pure amberyll crystal it will shatter unleashing the magic stored within mixed with the spell attempted to be stored.
Extremely expensive
Very rare
Clear, bright orange
Common State
Related Species


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