Session 2

General Summary

As I stealthily approached the target destination I quickly reevaluated my choices that lead me up to this point. While I could find no fault as, sometimes one must undertake risk in order to acquire money and power, it still seemed an unenviable position. At the door I was greeted by an elderly silver haired elf identified as Orna.   #Threat assessment: Low personal, High long term- unless hiding some massive mystical or magical abilities the physical capabilities of this target seem low, however massive display of wealth can lead to significant long term complications   As my compatriots entered we were introduced to the maid/butler, a youngish drow named Addington.   #Threat assessment: Med-high personal, Low long term- physical build and movements suggests martial ability, common for the extremely wealthy to hire dual purpose bodyguards   Orna presented us with a job opportunity. Investigate and recover valuable objects in a ruined building on the outskirts of the valley of glass. Note: Orna served Steelhelm Reserve 300+ year old whiskey; reevaluate threat assessment of Orna as possible Very High long term threat.   We proceeded back to Pale Horse Inn, where additional food types were introduced to Briar. She does not like pork. Note, she may be ambidextrous, shows proficiency with both left and right hand??   Next morning we hired Svetti Gerison an elderly dwarf and captain of a ship named Arrowhead “a nice ship”.   #Threat assessment: Med personal, Med long term- martial skills of an elderly dwarf should not be underestimated, if his stories are to be believed he possesses a near god level skill and luck, his ability to betray us on the open sea could prove complicated as neither of my companions, noir I seem capable of properly using this ship.   #Arrowhead crew threat assessment: med low personal, low long term- crew may be proficient in combat as well as sailing,   Svetti fortuitously dropped us in an incorrect, but closer location to our destination.   We made our way to the ruined buildings and encountered another group attempting to loot ahead of us. We had previously coordinated an attack phrase and Briar impressed me when she called for the attack slightly before the end of the conversation. This at the very least allowed us to not be jumped by them. They had their own healer and I learned we must always focus on the healer first in order to not unduly extend combat in their favor.   We searched both the bodies and the building for anything significant and found a trap door in the floor. Two golems appeared and were defeated. We then proceeded down and discovered a secret room with what we later found out was a giant piece of purified amberyll.   NOTE: DO NOT EVER CAST ANYTHING INTO SOMETHING THAT COULD BE AMBERYLL!! IT COULD EXPLODE!!   We then tried to take as much as we could from the secret room and discovered a significant lack of carrying capacity. This should be addressed if possible.   We returned with the amberyll to Orna where she awarded each of us with wildly expensive magic weapons. (she may have underpaid us).   As we prepared to leave Orna’s we were attacked by some random guys begging for death, I shall oblige them.
- Nerium, 2nd Day of Horns, Membersend
Report Date
04 Dec 2021
Primary Location


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