
The force that created The Valley of Glass, caused by The Ending, annihilated all life close enough the battlefield. Because of the immense magic that poured into Nemed, some of the deceased creatures in the area where brought back to life as ghost like creatures, known as shades. Due to the negative connotation surrounding their existence, and the many tall tales and legends about them, they are shunned from society, permanently exiled to live around The Valley of Glass.   Shades resemble the race they were in life, although their skin becomes a pale shade of green, gray, purple, or blue. Their eyes lack pupils and are bright, glowing colors. A player playing a shade as their race are allowed to resemble any race detailed in the races table, as well as choosing from the following races: bullywug, deva, duergar, kalashtar, minotaur, satyr, thri-kreen, or tiefling.

Physical Traits

Prevalence Rare
Average Height: 5'6" - 6'2"
Average Weight: 100 lb. - 160 lb.
Ability Scores +2 Cha, +2 Dex or Int
Size Medium
Speed 6 squares
Vision Darkvision
Languages Common, one other
Related Locations


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