Ann Arbor

The city of Ann Arbor, once a bustling college town filled with life, now stands as a hollow shell of its former self, a ghostly reminder of a world that no longer exists. The streets, once filled with students and residents going about their daily lives, are now eerily silent, save for the occasional groan of the undead or the rustle of wind through the broken remnants of civilization.   The roads have cracked and crumbled, overtaken by weeds and creeping vines that signal nature’s reclamation of the city. Abandoned cars line the streets in chaotic patterns. Many broken, some burned, and a few like new. Many have been scavenged for parts, others transformed into makeshift barricades. But their bodies are slowly rusting in the elements. Traffic lights hang precariously, swaying with the breeze, while street signs stand erect but lack the purpose they once had.   Buildings, once homes to businesses, students, and families, stand in various stages of decay. Shattered windows reveal dark, empty interiors, while doors hang on broken hinges or have been heavily barricaded. The University of Michigan campus, once the heart of the city, is now overrun with vegetation, its iconic landmarks scarred by time and chaos. The Big House, once the pride of the town, now serves as a grim hub of survival and vice—the infamous Hollow Exchange.   In the skeletal remains of Ann Arbor, The Hollow Exchange has become a chaotic beacon of activity. Located within several of the of the old university buildings, the makeshift markets are where scavengers, survivors, and the desperate gather to trade what little they have. The market operates primarily in the center of the city, a place where the remnants of a once-thriving community coexist with the savage reality of a world ravaged by plague, the undead, and nuclear devastation. Here, bartering for food, weapons, and supplies takes place alongside darker transactions—whispers of slavery and human trafficking circulate, shrouded in secrecy and protected by fierce enforcers.   The residential areas, once filled with life, are now lifeless husks. Overgrown lawns and gardens have run wild, and houses range from barely standing to eerily intact, as if waiting for their owners to return. Inside, the remnants of lives abruptly ended are scattered—clothes in closets, toys in nurseries, and the skeletal remains of those who perished in the chaos. Some survivors shelter in old homes, but safety is no guarantee.   The air in Ann Arbor is thick with the subtill scent of decay, mingling with the earthy smell of vegetation reclaiming the land. The Hollow Exchange adds another layer to the atmosphere—a mixture of desperation and tension. The city, once a symbol of education and progress, has become a shadow of its former self, a place where survival trumps all else.   Ann Arbor is no longer the thriving city it once was; it is now a city of ghosts and scavengers, where the past lingers in the shadows, and the future is as uncertain as the next breath. The Hollow Exchange stands at its heart, a grim testament to the enduring, though twisted, remnants of human civilization amidst the ruins.


The city is primarily controlled by the Bone Circle. They are a group of fenatics who exert control using feat and intimidation. They control most of the old central campus area where the Hollow Exchange resides.

Guilds and Factions

  • The Bone Circle
  • The Iron Vine
  • The Reclaimers
  • The Ashen Guard
  • The Forgotten Scholars
Large city

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