The Hollow Exchange

The Hollow Exchange is a paradox, a place where the remnants of a once-thriving community coexist with the savage reality of a world torn apart by plague, the undead, and nuclear fire. The first thing you notice is the heavy, acrid smell in the air—a mix of smoke from makeshift fires and the ever-present stench of decay. The once-pristine streets of Ann Arbor are now cracked and broken, overgrown with weeds and littered with debris. The skeletal remains of buildings loom like tombstones, casting long shadows over the market below.   The Exchange is more than just one thing or location. It is comprised of several services scattered around the of University of Michigan campus. The ever-present eyes of the The Bone Circle watch over the exchange and all that transpires.   A Culture of Brutality and Survival The culture of The Hollow Exchange is one of unrelenting brutality. Here, the weak are preyed upon, and only the strong or cunning survive. Trust is a luxury few can afford, and alliances are often temporary, forged out of necessity rather than loyalty. The people of The Hollow Exchange have adapted to this harsh reality, becoming hardened and ruthless in their pursuit of survival.   Yet, beneath the surface of violence and despair, there is a perverse sense of community. The market is a gathering place, where the scattered remnants of humanity come together, however briefly, to trade, socialize, and share information. It’s a place where rumors are spread, alliances are formed, and plans are made. Despite the danger, The Hollow Exchange represents a twisted form of civilization, a fragile island of order in a sea of chaos.   The Hollow Exchange is a testament to the adaptability and resilience of the human spirit, even in the face of overwhelming darkness. It’s a place where the line between survival and savagery is blurred, and where every decision could mean the difference between life and death.

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